Aero India 2019 Show Under Full Preparation

Aero India 2019 Show Under Full Preparation


Aero India 2019 Show Under Full Preparation

Aero India 2019, a top rated defence show will be held in Bengaluru from February 20 to 24 and the defence exhibition will see participation of top fighter-jet manufacturers, transport and helicopter makers, defence equipment makers and companies related to the sector.

More than 300 exhibitors, including top global and domestic players from the defence industry, have confirmed their participation in Aero India 2019, confirmed a defence official.

All activities related to Aero India 2019 have been made online — be it booking of tickets or selection of space area for stalls, the official clarified.

“With nearly 50 days to go for Aero India, we already have 308 exhibitors. They include 178 domestic and 130 foreign players. We have generated a revenue of Rs. 62 crore from the bookings so far.

“There will be no cheque transaction for Aero India as all payments have been made online. The arrangements correspond to the best practices in the world,” the official added.

Tickets for Aero India 2019 “business days”– February 20, 21 and 22– will cost Rs. 2,750 each. Tickets for general visitors will cost Rs. 1,800. Rs. 600 will be charged for air display. On-the-spot tickets will cost Rs. 250 more.