Double face Of Tayyip Erdogan Head Of Turkey’s Government

Double face Of Tayyip Erdogan Head Of Turkey’s Government


Just a few days back President of Turkey was hobnobbing with Imran Khan of Pakistan. The Turk freely commented on India and gave tons of advice on Kashmir. Now the same Turkey cannot accept the US national security adviser’s recent comments regarding Syrian Kurdish militia.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan speaking at his Justice and Development Party’s (AKP) parliamentary group meeting, said Ankara cannot accept the US condition of ensuring the safety of People’s Protection Units (YPG) in Syria, reiterating to clear terrorists out of Syria after US forces leave the country.

Erdogan reiterated Turkey’s determination to eliminate “terror corridor” in northern Syria, adding that Turkey made no distinction between terrorist groups. So this double faced man is ready to back Pakistan Sponsored terrorists in Kashmir but not ready to back its own friend the USA.

US National Security Adviser John Bolton arrived in Ankara late Monday to meet Turkish official over safeguarding Kurdish fighters in Syria, who act as US’s vital ally against extreme groups.

However, Bolton reportedly departed Turkey on Tuesday noon without meeting with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in an apparent snub over disagreements about Kurds issue.

Erdigan is presently engaged in brutalities and killing of Kurds in Southern Anatolian region of Turkey. Around 15 million Kurds are fighting for their Right to Self Determination.