Labour MP Loses Her Mind : Can UK Even Think of Intervening...

Labour MP Loses Her Mind : Can UK Even Think of Intervening In Kashmir ?


Labour MP Loses Her Mind : Can UK Even Think of Intervening In Kashmir ?

Sultana a British MP has claimed that the British government oversaw the partition of the Indian subcontinent, and thus has the moral responsibility to intervene in Kashmir. Sultana alleges that India has been carrying out human rights violations in Kashmir. The letter was submitted on August 5, coinciding the anniversary of India’s decision to abrogate Article 370.

The British MP firstly talks of moral responsibility of British Government ……an entity which looted trillions from India. She should first ask her Parliament to arrange the return of all the loot. A beginning can be made with all the looted artifacts in British museums being returned to India along the diamonds etc stored in the Tower of London.

The Labour MP has sought UK’s intervention in the Kashmir matter. The letter brazenly refers to Kashmir as ‘Indian occupied Kashmir’ which itself can draw similar barb on British occupied Scotland and British Occupied Northern Ireland.

This MP, Zarah Sultana has said that ‘Britain had laid the groundwork for the oppression that Kashmiris face today’ by executing the partition of India. She also said that the UK has a moral obligation to ‘right these wrongs’.

In a tweet on August 5, Sultana had said, “1 year ago today the Indian government unilaterally revoked the semi-autonomous status of Indian Occupied Kashmir. Human rights abuses, repression & brutal lockdown ensued. I’ve written to the Foreign Secretary, urging him to honour Britain’s obligations to the Kashmiri people.”

The MP Should know that now time has come when the Indian Parliament may have to pass a law nullifying the Partition Act of the British Parliament and also DE recognition of the Radcliffe Line.

The Indian government’s decision to revoke Article 370 from Jammu and Kashmir was an internal matter of India in which no one will be permitted to poke their nose. Sultana the British MP should go and visit POK, Occupied Baluchistan, Pakhtunistan and now even Sindh and see how Pakistan has been violating the human rights of the people and carrying out torture, rape, extrajudicial execution and illegal detention

The MP must also ask her own Government to vacate the Chagos Archipelago fastest before Britain is thrown out from there.