Security And Growth : Rajnath Singh to Launch INS NILGIRI and Commission...

Security And Growth : Rajnath Singh to Launch INS NILGIRI and Commission INS KHANDERI


Security And Growth : Rajnath Singh to Launch INS NILGIRI and Commission INS KHANDERI

Raksha Mantri Rajnath Singh wil initiate three important naval ceremonies — the commissioning of the second Scorpene submarine INS KHANDERI, the first P-17A warship INS NILGIRI and inauguration of Aircraft Cartier Drydock in Mumbai on September 28.

Vice Admiral G Ashok Kumar on Tuesday told a press conference that these actions will ehnance the Indian Navy’s combat potential, reach and sustenance many folds.

He also stated that Aircraft Cartier Drydock will be the largest dry dock that the Indian Navy will have and will be capable of dry docking INS VIKRAMADITYA.

All these projects are in line with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s flagship programme SAGAR (Security And Growth for All in the Region).

“These three projects have got their own significance. Any ship or submarine building activity is indeed a huge challenge. It is a technology challenge and plus the complexity of the platform itself will ensure that there are many MSMEs, companies and others who are involved in ensuring successful completion of the construction.

“So, there is some huge plow back effect that flows into our own economy. All people are aware that out of 51 ships which are under construction and various shipyards in and out of the country, 49 out of them are with Indian shipyards.

So, these projects are all in line with overarching Make in India program, all demands will be met by the Indian navy’s investment in the country,” Vice Admiral Kumar said.

He also informed the media that the Raksha Mantri along with his wife will spend a day at sea in INS Vikramaditya before flying back to the national capital.

“On 28 September evening and 29th forenoon, Rajnath Singh with his wife will witness all naval actions including missile action, firing and various exercises of the sea before leaving for Delhi,” he said.