US billionaire George Soros Displays His Poor Knowledge With His Incoherent Sermons

US billionaire George Soros Displays His Poor Knowledge With His Incoherent Sermons


US billionaire George Soros Displays His Poor Knowledge With His Incoherent Sermons

Billionaire George Soros has not heard of the Indian phrase “ dogs keep barking but the Elephant keeps moving “ and in a similar manner has barked at the Modi govt saying nationalism is making headway and the “biggest setback” was seen in India.

US billionaire Soros.

Americans always try and display their Nationalism on their shirt sleeves and therefore the American Government is always scouting the entire world seeking imaginary enemies like the proverbial Don Quixote. However when others too stand up for their own nationalism then it is intensely disliked by some Americans if not by all Americans. No wonder billionaire George Soros instead of talking on his pet subject of making some more money when addressing the World Economic Forum has instead tried to talk ill of the Indian Prime Minister.

It is seen that after looting from others and making lots of money, many become philanthropists. In a similar manner this billionaire Soros has been contributing money to universities in various countries to fight for open societies, an euphemism for helping to create chaos and instabilities in those countries. He is a champion of the cause of Rohingiyas displaced from Myanmar. Instead of shouting around why has he not helped his own Country the USA to create a settlement for Rohingiyas in one of the vast American States ? Though he will criticize Bangladesh and India, no ends for not rehabilitating these Muslims. No sir, India will no do it, go and get them place in your own country.

After singing “ we owe allegiance to the flag and to the nation it stands for “ million times he seems to be quite agitated that Indians too willing and ready to defend their faith and their way of life. This chap has criticized the Modi government without facts while addressing an event at the ongoing World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos and said nationalism is making headway and the “biggest setback” was seen in India.

“Nationalism, far from being reversed, made further headway. The biggest and most frightening setback occurred in India where a democratically elected Narendra Modi is creating a Hindu nationalist state, imposing punitive measures on Kashmir, a semi-autonomous Muslim region, and threatening to deprive millions of Muslims of their citizenship,” said George Soros at Davos. This shows that he has no knowledge of the Indian Citizen Bill but has gone ahead and spewed venom and nonsense like an idiot. He calls Trump an “ultimatet narcissist “, that is fine but we Indians will not tolerate his nonsense against our PM.

Speaking on Trump, George Soros said, “President Trump is a con man and the ultimate narcissist who wants the world to revolve around him. When his fantasy of becoming president came true, his narcissism developed a pathological dimension. Indeed, he has transgressed the limits imposed on the presidency by the Constitution and has been impeached for it.”

The philanthropist who looted his billions in the markets from ordinary people, also reiterated his criticisms of other leaders. He branded as dictators both Chinese President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Viktor Orban of Hungary – Soros’ native country.

On the other hand, George Soros said he’s injecting $1 billion into a new university network that the 89-year-old billionaire investor calls the “most important and most enduring project of my life.”

“And I would like to see it realized while I am still around,” he told journalists on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. So this chap is bent upon creating chaos all over through his fundings. He talks about green gas and carbon emissions but maintains a fleet of luxury Carbon monoxide emitting gas guzzlers and aviation fleet.

This billionaire who is the prime suspect in funding of the Arab Spring Risings, is already being accused of financing a plan which led to huge forest fires in Australia and causing such huge destruction.