Watch Pauline Hanson Full Speech On Migration

Watch Pauline Hanson Full Speech On Migration

Pauline Hanson Speech
Pauline Hanson Speech

Watch Pauline Hanson Full Speech On Migration



In 1996, Hanson dwelled extensively on what she derisively termed “the Aboriginal industry”, but in 2016, the One Nation leader devoted not one word of her speech to the subject of Indigenous Australians.

Hanson dwelled instead on globalisation and immigration. “I call for a halt to further immigration,” the Queensland senator said.

After declaring Australia was in danger of being swamped by Muslims, Hanson said if migrants were not prepared to come to Australia, assimilate, and accept Australian values, “I suggest you go back to where you came from”.

“If you are not prepared to become Australian and give this country this undivided loyalty, obey our laws and respect our country and way of life, then I suggest you go back where you came from,” she said.

Hanson said she was happy to assist the process of relocation, should that aid the process. “If it would be of any help, I’ll take you to the airport and wave you goodbye with sincere best wishes.”