Will China, USA, Russia Become Non Nuclear Weapon States ?...

Will China, USA, Russia Become Non Nuclear Weapon States ? Then India Too Will Join Them


China called on countries that have not yet joined the Treaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) to join as non-nuclear weapon states as soon as possible.

China’s Foreign Ministry said this in response to questions on India’s application to the NSG treaty.

However while giving this comment
Geng Shuang spokesperson of China’s Foreign Ministry at the regular news briefing talked about the possibility of India joining the NPT and Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) only after signing the NPT must be obviously having their poodle Pakistan in mind.

We are quite sure that China may be any thing but is certainly not foolish. They know that USA, Russia, France, the lowly UK and China combined also cannot make India a non nuclear state. Out of these five, certainly France and Russia will be on India’s side for every thing and India will not be bothered by the other three.

There has not been a precedent for a non-NPT country to join the Nuclear Supplier Group (NSG), so, Chinese wish and dream that if India wants to join the NSG, it requires sufficient negotiation among NSG members and a consensus among them to reach a resolution to the issue.

China should know that the NSG was set up by a group of countries that have civil nuclear technology equipment and material export capabilities. It aims to achieve nuclear non-proliferation by preventing civil nuclear technology and material from being used to develop nuclear weapons.

India is now a top established nuclear power with highly developed nuclear technology, ICBM missile technology, Nuclear Submarine technology, Cryogenic technology and what not. So it will be in interest of NSG that India joins them.

Xu Guangyu a senior consultant at the China Arms Control and Disarmament Association and a participant of open activities at the P5 Conference told Chinese media that it is impossible for China as well as the other four recognised nuclear weapon countries in the NPT to recognise a new nuclear weapon country because this would cause serious nuclear proliferation and global security would be greatly damaged.

Well Mr Xu Guangyu, if China has not caused proliferation by helping Pakistan, then who has ? Also only country which has deliberately used nuclear weapons twice against Humanity is USA. So if the five countries do not recognize India then India too does not recognize them as nuclear powers.

Also if China can help Pakistan against India then India always has the option of helping out Taiwan …… this fact must be remembered always and every time.

It is certainly a laughable statement when China says that “ there are only four recognized “ nuclear powers. Who has recognized them ?

The whole world knows that India is a nuclear power. Also India is the only nuclear which has carried out bare minimum tests and caused least pollution of nature on this account. As a contrast others have carried out hundreds of nuclear blast to devastate the world ecology…

Four states—India, Israel, Pakistan and South Sudan— have never signed the NPT. India and Pakistan have publicly disclosed their nuclear weapons Programmes and Israel has a long standing policy of deliberate ambiguity with regards to its nuclear programme.

India will sign the NPT, the day all nuclear powers first reduce their nuclear weapons to a fixed size equal and common for all. Next step for all to agree for further reduction of numbers to zero. Till that time all are advised to keep their mouth shut.