Pentagon Wrong To Relieve Captain of USS THEIODORE ROOSEVELT For Raising Alarm...

Pentagon Wrong To Relieve Captain of USS THEIODORE ROOSEVELT For Raising Alarm about COVID-19


Pentagon Wrong To Relieve Captain of USS THEIODORE ROOSEVELT For Raising Alarm about COVID-19

US aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt

The US Navy has relieved Captain Brett Crozier, the Commanding Officer of aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt, who earlier sounded the alarm about an outbreak of COVID-19 aboard the ship.

Has Crozier done anything wrong by sounding the alarm? Has he become a US version of Dr. Li Wenliang?

Li’s reputation had been restored and is now identified as a martyr. Crozier, however, was wronged at the very crucial time of the US battling against COVID-19.

Pentagon condemned Crozier for demonstrating “extremely poor judgment in the middle of a crisis” and creating panic that was unnecessary.

But in our view, Crozier is more clear-minded than the officials of the Pentagon. The aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt is likely to become another Diamond Princess, and if no measures are taken, a death on board will be reported sooner or later.

With a campaign mentality, US President Donald Trump might have known the Pentagon is getting itself into trouble. He said he didn’t agree with the decision against Crozier. But can Trump rectify Pentagon’s mistake? Will he punish the military officials who wronged Crozier?

Regardless of whether Crozier will resume his duties or not, as long as officials who issued the order to remove him remain untouched, Crozier will be persecuted and marginalized and labeled a coward who destroyed the morale of the military.

In short, the US has so far been reluctant to reflect on its failure to put the COVID-19 outbreak under control, and has simply tried to pass the buck. The political environment in the US supports and encourages some serious lies.

The US Congress has passed resolutions to interfere in China’s handling of Dr. Li’s case, but what it should really do is to criticize US inaction over COVID-19 and its unfair treatment of Crozier.