Colonel Kritya Nand Das, Veteran

The Neta-Babu Cabal that has been running or ruining Bihar for few decades now, is feeling disturbed. The cabal is a combination of many negatives such as crime, corruption, arrogance, incompetence and callousness.

Their sweet slumber has been disturbed by the movement of the Migrant Workers, home ward.Before the corona pandemic these able bodied men left their women, children and old at home and went to western and southern regions which had jobs to offer.

These migrant workers were paid low wages, had to put in long working hours and little leave. There are no Trade Unions in disorganized sectors. Our scotch drinking, cigar smoking and English speaking comrades don’t go there. There are happy being the priest in organised sector trade unions. Why not most of them come from Dwij-Ashraf gang,the subcontinental prarsites. Oh I deviated little.

These migrant workers’ remittence home, run their house hold and also earns some revenue for the shameless Neta-Babu cabal of Bihar. There is hardly any population left in rural Bihar to even run the almost dead rural economy. There aren’t any large land holdings left that it will attract any investment. It is run by share croppers, women and old left at migrant workers homes do this. Hence it is not even at sustenance level.

There is a meak and weak populace left in Bihar who are hardly aware of their rights and do not demand any improvement and that provides opportunities to Neta-Babu Cabal to loot and live lavish lives. The local thugs are left loose by state to run parallel loot regimes for lavish living. They help the political parties during polls to grab votes. These thugs are caste based and keep various caste vote banks intact and secure, using both fear and favour.
So there has been no endeavors to create jobs, rather state kills jobs to incourage migration. Many old industries like, sugar, paper, cement, jutes and hand craft are in ruins and decay. Even present likelihood of many industries’ exodus from China has not got any response there. Rather,it feels disturbed that it may have to work.When they are used to pay with out work and loot at will.

Arrival of migrants workers has disturbed them.And they fear for the worst in case they stay back and demand jobs in their neighborhood.

Entire trouble and pain that they took in walking these thousand miles will go waste if they choose to go back, seeking same low paid jobs, inhumane living conditions,daily humiliation and denial of dignity. A dark future for their children and painful deaths for their aged and lives of separation and deprivation for the youth will keep repeating for ever.

As it is, they are accuse for causing labour shortage due to their migration and now there is fear that their presence will cause pandemic to spread. And in case they choose to stay back then they dread a law and order collapse.

That is why Nitish and his deputy was quite hassitant, almost reluctant to the idea of their return. What a shame!

Bihar for some thirty odd years was ruled by the Upper Castes and for next thirty odd years by OBC regimes of Laloo and Nitish. All two groups have done nothing for these unfortunate lot. Most of the Migrants come from the OBC and SC castes groups. Yet Laloo and Nitish have done nothing for them.

They initially accused and blamed upper castes for all the wrongs. And came to power that they will set things right. But did nothing. Ruined all industries that was limping and killed all institutes.

Both education and health was left to ruin. Killing both health and wealth, living weak and meak in an utter state created chaos.They also, finding nothing left to sustain themselves at home migrated far and wide.

Migration has become part of Bihari fate. Initially in far past they went out uniting India as part of Mauryan armies, then as administrators, administrating this huge subcontinental size country. Then as civilizing sects of Buddhists monks all over the world.

Then fighting the Huns and their imposed new Brahmanic faith, loosing and disintegrating into caste divides of Varnashran system. The battle hadn’t ended when another wave of Huns descended as Turks in new robe of Abrahmic faith, massacre of populace and destruction of great institutions followed.

Then came the British, Biharis went conquering the sub continent and half Asia for them.And then they revolted, lost all that they had earned. They were shunted our from the army, that catered for the rural surplus population. They composed 90% of the East India Company’s army.

Now they hardly make even 10% since 1857. Bad days stared.For 100 odd years that British ruled since 1857 a region and it’s people was on virtual punishment and plunder.

In this bad days they were pushed out as indentured labourers all over the British Empire. Since they were the nation builders, they have built thriving nations all over the world.

Now, in this long discourse we have seen our weaknesses and our strength.Our identity is not in the divisions of castes that had been thrust on us by Hinduism nor divide on religious segregation imposed by Islam.

Our bad days came with two waves of Huns that invaded India, one in 450AD that ended Gupta Empire weakened Buddhism and forced Brahmanism on us that we call Hinduism and these days Santanism.

This has fragmented the Subcontinent for ever. Then came the second wave of Hunic invasions with name of Turk this time and with another faith of Abrahmic order called Islam. Massacre and plunder followed.

The previous one had destroyed Taxshila University and finished Buddhism in Western half.The new wave of invasions destroyed Nalanda University and few others and finished left over Buddhists in the Eastern half in 1200AD. And things have not been good since then.

Neither imposed caste divides, not religious divides did the region and nation any good, nor it will ever do. Because these are false and foreign.

Therefore it will be good for people to stay back in Bihar.Rise above caste and religious divides and force the power that be to improve things. Create jobs, revive institutions or be axed in case of failure.

Shun both Brahmanic and Abrahmic, the most discreminatory disorders and revert back to the Indic roots of Rationalism, the Buddh Sasan, the only identity of Bihari in particular and India in general.
Your stay back is important. It alone will bring a silent revolution and a rational living.