Russia retains its clout in Africa, on support on the continent

Russia retains its clout in Africa, on support on the continent


Russia retains its clout in Africa, on support on the continent

According to magazine, “many African countries view Ukraine as a western puppet,” while Kiev’s attempts to win their support came too late

Russia retains its influence in Africa and may count on support of many African countries amid Moscow’s complicated ties with the West, the Times magazine said in an article, published late on Tuesday.

Citing experts, the paper writes that despite US attempts to boost its influence in Africa, the West has probably already lost the battle for the continent.

The United States, the United Kingdom and France, who earlier had colonies on the continent, have now ceded their positions to China, Russia and other players, such as Turkey and Persian Gulf countries.

According to Times, “many African countries view Ukraine as a western puppet,” while Kiev’s attempts to win their support came too late.

The article says that it was yet unclear how successful Ukraine’s humanitarian initiative to deliver grain to African states would be. It also casts doubt on Kiev’s attempts to persuade African governments that Russia was to blame for the continent’s problems.

The article says that many residents of Burkina Faso, Mali and the Central African Republic tend to blame France and its energy companies for the current fuel price growth.

The article concludes that Moscow is likely to retain its influence on the continent by supporting local governments, even if its popularity among ordinary Africans starts to dwindle.