Double Faced China Has Different Policies On Terrorism For Different Regions

Double Faced China Has Different Policies On Terrorism For Different Regions


Double Faced China Has Different Policies On Terrorism For Different Regions

China is jumping all around from Beijing to Islamabad to United Nations, trying to defend the indefensible actions of Pakistan with respect to both terrorism and Kashmir.

China thinks that Pakistan is helping and nurturing some “ good “ terrorists on its soil and those terrorists have all the RIGHTS to create mayhem in India.However the same terrorists cannot interfere in Xingjian.

Similarly when India has started legal actions against a handful of Separatists elements in Kashmir to marginalize them from the main stream, it has angered Pakistan immensely and China stands in support of Pakistan.

However China itself defended its internationally criticised “vocational education camps” in the restive Xinjiang where hundreds of thousands of Uighur Muslims have been kept in detention, saying that the training centres have “effectively eliminated” religious extremism in the restive province.

Unlike Xinjiang the majority of Kashmiris stand with India.

China in the last few months faced severe criticism from World over regarding reports that it is holding over a million people, mostly ethnic Uighurs, in internment camps in Xinjiang bordering India, Afghanistan and Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) and several Central Asian States in a bid to control violent attacks by freedom fighters of East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM) organisation.

China blames the ETIM, stated to be an affiliate of Al-Qaeda, for numerous violent attacks in the restive Xinjiang region and various other parts of the country including Beijing. Resource-rich Xinjiang province is home to over 10 million Turkik-speaking Uighur Muslims.

Therefore it will be in interest of China that it stops backing Pakistan on its terrorist activities, at once.