List of weapon systems Pakistan is buying from China for intensifying two-front...

List of weapon systems Pakistan is buying from China for intensifying two-front war


List of weapon systems Pakistan is buying from China for intensifying two-front war

China and Pakistan, the all-weather friends, have been intensifying their two-front war against India. In its latest ploy, Pakistan is purchasing over 20 weapon systems from China at bargain prices.
Manish Prasad

China and Pakistan, the all-weather friends, have been intensifying their two-front war against India. In its latest ploy, Pakistan is purchasing over 20 weapon systems from China at bargain prices. The Indian agencies believe the weapons will be used to build up pressure against India across the LoC when things heat up with Beijing at the LAC.



1. Armour.

(a) Manufacture of Al Khalid-1: Pakistan is manufacturing 110x Al Khalid-1 tanks (Phase-1) at Heavy Industries Taxila (HIT) with Chinese assistance at the scale of 22 tanks/year.

(b) T-85 Up-gradation: Asia Pacific Department of China North Industries Corporation (NORINCO) has submitted the quotations for up-gradation and rebuild of 90 x T85-IIAP tanks to HITTaxila.

(c) VT-4 Tanks: Pakistan Army plans to induct 360 x new MBTs. China’s VT-4 is in contention for this major contract and has participated for trials in 2015 & in Jul and Aug 2017.


(a) ESHORADS: Pakistan Army has purchased three ESHORAD FM-90 Air Defence system from the PLA package. The equipment were displayed on Pak Day Parade in 2017.

(b) QW-18 SAMs: Pakistan has received 1391 x QW-18 SAM systems from China. 100 sets of QW-18 SAMs were provided by China out of PLA package.

(c) LY-80 LOMADS: Pakistan Army has procured nine systems of LY-80 LOMADS from China. Pak Army had signed two separate contracts for supply of the AD Sys along with IBIS-150 radar. Delivery of all nine systems was completed in 2019.

(d) HIMAD Sys: Pakistan has evinced interest in purchase of the FD-2000 HIMAD system from China out of PLA Package. The system being too expensive, China has conveyed that should the HIMAD sys be provided under the PLA package then Pak will not be able to get anything else under the PLA package up to 2035.

(e) FN-16 Msl: M/s ALIT, China has forwarded a technical proposal for supply of 1265 x FN-16 (including two missiles for live firing trials) Man Portable AD SystemS (MANPADS), 14 x Launching Mechanisms, 02 x Man Portable Missile Launchers, accessories, spares and tools, amounting to US$ 28,998,390.

3. UAV / UCAV.

(a) Burraq UAV: Although, Pakistan claims Burraq UAV to be a indigenous product, Burraq UAVs (armed/recce variants) are evidently very similar to CH-3 UAVs of China & even Burg missile is very similar to AR-1 missiles fitted on CH-3 Armed UAVs and are likely to have been built with Chinese assistance.

(b) CH-4/ CH-5 UCAV. Pak is negotiating with China for procurement of CH-4 & CH-5 UCAVs. M/s Aerospace Long March International Corporation Limited China and PAC are also discussing co production of CH-5 Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle (UCAV) and subsequent joint R&D projects. The project would include production capable of aircraft airframe structure, final assembly and test capability of major avionics equipment.

(c) Wingloong-1 (WL-1): The Pakistan based representative of China National Aero Technology Import and Export Corporation (CATIC) and its HQ in China are making efforts to supply WL (Wing Loong) series of UAVs to Pak MI Directorate. Pak currently holds one WL-I UAV.

4. Artillery.

(a) 155/52 mm caliber Mounted Gun System (MGS): PA has been in the process to finalise procurement of a 155mm Arty gun system for which various options are under evaluation. Pak Army is evaluating the Chinese Track Mounted Gun SH-15 gun. Pak has already procured 36 SH-1 MGS and is likely to procure 36 more MGS in the near future.

(b) Re-lifing of A-100 MLRS: M/s ALIT, China has forwarded technical proposal to GHQ Rawalpindi for re-lifing for 1st & 2nd battery of A-100 MLRS in Dec 2019 and Mar 2022.

5. Misc.

(a) Z-10ME Helicopters. PA had received 03 x Z-10 helicopters from China for trials/ use in counter-terrorist operations in FATA region.

6. SSD Raisings For CPEC Security: As part of CPEC Security, Pak Army is in the process of raising two Special Security Divisions. With these raisings, Pak Army has assumed the position of guarantor for security of the Chinese CPEC projects.


7. 08 x Air Independent Propulsion (AIP) Submarines: Pakistan has contracted 08 x Yuan Class AIP Conventional Submarines under Project S-26 from China in 2015 at an estimated cost of US $ 4.8 billion. The project was started in mid 2011 but got delayed due to economic constraints. The first four submarines are being manufactured in China while the remaining four would be constructed at Karachi Shipyard under transfer of technology.

8. Construction of VLF Station: The construction of Pakistan Navy VLF station under Project-333 is under construction at Turbat by M/s PTI, China since 2011.

9. Construction of Fast Attack Craft (Missile): Pak Navy has already procured 02 X FAC (M) from China between 2011-14 at an estimated cost of $43.5 million. As part of contract, the 3rd FAC (M) is being manufactured at Karachi since April 2015 under transfer of technology and is expected to be delivered by 2017.

10. F-22P Frigates: Pak Navy had procured 04 x Jiangwei-Il Class F-22 Frigates from China between 2009-13. Presently. Pak Navy is progressing construction of 04 x additional F-22 Frigates (Batch II) of the same class under transfer of technology. These Frigates are being fitted with C-602 Anti-Ship missile with Chinese assistance under transfer of technology.

11. FN-16 for Navy: Pak Navy plans to procure 100 X FN-16 SHORADS Surface to Air (SAM) missiles from M/S ALIT, China at a cost of US $ 13.256 million.


12. JF-17 Project: Block-1 construction (50 x aircraft) completed. Constr of Block-11 (50 x aircraft) under progress since December 2013. The same will replace PAF Mirage and F-7P aircraft of PAF Block-Il cater for improved versions of avionics sub system, air-to-air refueling capability, enhanced load carrying capacity, better weapon carriage capability, enhanced data link & EW capability.

13. Procurement of CM-400 AKG missiles: Pakistanis in negotiations with M/s CATIC China for purchase of 40 CM-400 AKG (20 of IR and 20 of Optical type, both with penetration warhead) Air-to-Ground missile.

14. ZOK-03 AWACS: PAF along with experts from M/s CATIC, China carried out special inspection of ZDK-03 AWACS and found the aircraft to be in generally good condition, except for a few minor problems and corrosion issues.


15. Defence Industry.

(i) Al-Khalid -Il: Pakistan is also exploring procurement of 1500 HP Diesel Engine for its Al-Khalid-11 Tank from M/S NORINCO, China.

(ii) Procurement of 12.7mm AA Gun: Machine Gun Factory (MGF), Pakistan is likely to procure 750 numbers of 12.7mm MMG (Anti-Ac Machine Gun) from M/s Hong Kong Sky wise, China. It is likely to be under Transfer of Technology (ToT) from M/s NORINCO, China.

16. IW Capability.

(i) Cyber Information/ Cyber Security: Pak has been seeking Chinese cooperation in the field of cyber information assurance and cyber security domain. Pak wants Chinese assistance in monitoring of internet and VOIP.

(ii) Information Security Laboratory (ISL): CETC-PRIVIS, China is facilitating Pak in building its all round capability in the domain of cyber warfare by the setting up of Information Security Lab (ISL) under the National Electronics Complex of Pak (NECOP).

17. Nuclear Cooperation.

(a) China has been providing nuclear assistance to Pak under the Grand Father Clause to circumvent the NSG restrictions.

(b) It has been undertaking construction of Nuclear Power Projects at Khushab (KCP-III & IV not covered under IAEA safeguards), Karachi (K-2 & K- 3) and Chashma (C-3 & 4) with Chinese assistance.

(c) China is also assessed to be assisting Pakistan in development of Tactical Nuclear Weapons based on Plutonium Based Warheads.

18. Satellite Navigation: Chinese Satellite Navigation Office (CSNO) has agreed to establish BeiDou enabled Continuously Operating Radar Station (CORS) network in Pak for precise geo-spatial application particularly in the field of surveying and mapping, construction and scientific studies. CSNO is also establishing a monitoring station at SUPARCO for monitoring and assessing the Beidou Global Navig Satellite System (GNSS). An agreement on the cooperation in the field of satellite navigation between CSNO & SUPARCO was signed in May 2013. Pak Armed Forces would be shifting to and be fully integrated into BeiDou GPS, as and when the system is inducted into Chinese Army.

19. Acquisition of Remote Sensing Satellite: Pak had signed a MoU with China in 2011 on acquisition of a Remote Sensing Satellite (RSS).