Massive Plan For Generating Power Through Clean Nuclear Energy

Massive Plan For Generating Power Through Clean Nuclear Energy


Minister of State Jitendra Singh, heading the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions and also MOS in the PMO handling Department of Atomic Energy , informed Rajya Sabha through a written answer that at present, there were nine nuclear power reactors at various stages of construction that are targeted for completion by 2024-25. In addition, 12 more nuclear power reactors have been accorded administrative approval and financial sanction by the government in June 2017.

The MOS of Department of Atomic Energy also informed Parliament that 21 new nuclear power reactors with a total installed capacity of 15,700 MW were expected to be set up in the country by 2031. It also informed Parliament that five sites — which would have total 28 nuclear reactors — have been accorded ‘in principle’ approval by the central government.

Gujarat, Rajasthan and Haryana each has two reactors under construction currently. Tamil Nadu has three reactors under construction, according to Singh. Each of the five states — Haryana, Rajasthan, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh and Tamil Nadu — have been accorded administrative approval and financial sanction to establish two nuclear reactors, Singh told Rajya Sabha.

Jaitapur in Maharashtra, Kovvada in Andhra Pradesh, Chhaya Mithi Virdi in Gujarat, Haripur in West Bengal and Bhimpur in Madhya Pradesh are the five sites that have been accorded ‘in principle’ approval to establish nuclear reactors, Singh stated.

In response to another question in Rajya Sabha, Singh stated that during 2014-15 and 2015-16, two nuclear power plants — Kudankulam units 1 and 2 — were commissioned and commenced commercial operation.