Pashtun Tahafuz Movement (PTM) Organizes Anti-Pakistan Protests

Pashtun Tahafuz Movement (PTM) Organizes Anti-Pakistan Protests


Pashtun Tahafuz Movement (PTM) Organizes Anti-Pakistan Protests

Three separate protests were organized by the Pashtun Tahafuz Movement (PTM) in France (Paris), Belgium (Brussels), and Denmark on February 13, for the release of prominent PTM activists and leaders.

Demonstrators shouted the slogans during the demonstration and criticized the Pakistan government for its repressive attitude towards Pashtuns. They raised slogans like “stop Pashtuns genocide”, “Pakistan is killing the world is watching” and “Pakistan is a terrorist state.”

Hundreds of PTM demonstrators called for the release of Pashtun leaders Ali Wazir, Hanif Pashteen, Uwais Abdal, and Idris Khattak, who are under illegal detention under the Pakistani Authorities.

Pashtuns, an ethnic minority blame Pakistan for marginalizing them for years. They say they have not been accorded their rights. And their demand for the same has been brutally suppressed.

On Sunday, PTM activists in Belgium staged a protest at Schuman circle in front of the European Commission against an attack on PTM central leaders like Manzoor Ahmad Pashteen and coordinator of PTM South Pashkhwa Noor Bacha.

PTM has also held a similar protest in front of the Pakistani Consulate in Frankfurt Germany on February 11 where they condemned Pakistan for its activities against Pashtuns.

The series of protests against Pakistan by Afghans on Sunday reached Brussels in Europe.

“Ladies and gentlemen! Pakistan’s rulers, army, and intelligence mean ISI (Pakistan’s spy agency). What is the reason for the last four decades of military intervention and terrorist attacks in Afghanistan?” questioned one of the protestors.