PNB Launches Two New Facilities for its Customers

With the help of these cards, you can withdraw money from the main account.
PNB customers can now use the same ATM debit card for upto three accounts.
Every bank in the country provides only one ATM Debit Card to their customers on one account. In other words, only one bank account is linked with a debit card. However, the Punjab National Bank (PNB) is now providing its users the facility to withdraw money from as many as three different bank accounts with just one debit card.
PNB is offering its customers two facilities, ‘Add-on Card’ and ‘Add-on Account’. Under the ‘Add-on Card’ facility, it is possible to take three Debit Cards linked to a single bank account. At the same time, three accounts can be linked to one debit card under the ‘Add-on Account’ facility.
According to the PNB, a customer can take two add-on cards for family members in addition to the existing debit card. However, this facility would be provided only to spouses, parents or children. With the help of these cards, you can withdraw money from the main account.
Under the ‘add-on account’ facility, three bank accounts can be linked on one card at the time of issuance of the card. One of these will be the main account and two will be the other accounts. Transactions can be done from any of these three accounts through the same debit card.
However, the facility of linking multiple bank accounts with one debit card is quite limited. This facility will be available only at the ATMs of the Punjab National Bank. The card can be used at other ATMs to withdraw money only from the main bank account. Also, the bank accounts can belong to any branch of PNB, but all the three accounts should be registered in the name of the same person.