The Chinese Foreign Minister Parleys With Indian Foreign Minister

The Chinese Foreign Minister Parleys With Indian Foreign Minister


The Chinese Foreign Minister Parleys With Indian Foreign Minister

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi met Indian External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar in Beijing on Monday, during which the Indian Minister clearly stated that India’s constitutional amendment will not result in Indian Forces crossing the Line of Control (LoC) in the Kashmir region. The Indian Home Minister had earlier clearly enunciated that What is India’s will always remain so, even if not under physical occupation.

The talks came as the Indian Ministers visit was predetermined. Though as usual in order to Obfuscate the main issue, many Chinese so called experts have called it an “emergency visit” because it came after Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi made a special emergency visit to China Friday evening and briefed Wang on Pakistan’s views, position and countermeasures on Kashmir.

As if India will go running to any Country irrespective of its size for such things. Even Trump was given an appropriate shut up call when required.

China can keep opposing the Indian internal action and so can India, even if Hong Kong is an internal matter of China. Chinese actions in Hong Kong certainly complicates the regional situation. Though India hopes that China, the people of Hong Kong and the British Government can resolve the disputes through peaceful methods, India will always be ready to help in this matter.

Wang said China is concerned about the current Kashmir situation and the escalating India-Pakistan conflict. India’s move to end the constitutional status of Jammu Kashmir will change the status quo of the disputed area and result in regional tensions, he added. India must have given its assurance through its Minister that China need not worry on this account. Pakistan is neither in a position to increase the tension further nor it will be permitted again to do so by India.

Wang also said the Indian government’s announcement of the establishment of the Ladakh Union Territory, which involves Chinese territory, has posed a challenge to China’s sovereignty and violated the two countries’ agreement on maintaining peace and stability in the border region. In this regard again the Indian Minister must have urged China very respectfully to sit down for talks and vacate the illegally occupied Indian territory of Aksai Chin and Shakshagam.

Chinese violation of Indian sovereignty is neither valid to India nor will it change the historical fact that India exercises sovereignty and administrative jurisdiction over the territories involved,

Jaishankar expressed India’s stance, noting that India’s constitutional amendment won’t create new sovereignty claims( only POK is ours as we have been claiming since 1947 ). For that to happen India will have to revoke acceptance of the Partition Bill of 1947 passed by the British themselves in illegal occupation of India.

For change in Control line on Indo Tibet Border, it will be wise for all stake holders to sit together and negotiate on the issue.

India hopes to improve relations with China, and remain restrained and safeguard regional peace and stability. India also wishes to continue resolving border issues with China and stick to the consensus between the two countries on maintaining peace in the border region, Jaishankar was quoted in the statement as saying.

Though Chinese observers keep on pointing out that India’s move on Kashmir was reckless. They keep uttering that Kashmir is a powder keg filled with territorial disputes and ethnic and regional conflicts. They added that the situation is not India’s “internal affairs.”

Well Indian observers too totally reciprocate the Chinese views. We too know that one day Uighur problem will have devastating effect on Central Asian Republics and Tibetans issue too may come to a boil.

Though as Indians we hope that China will not take any unilateral action on Hong Kong but always in consultation with all the stake holders.

No one can now deny India its rightful place in the affairs of Nations in Asia and the World.

A decisive and orogressive India has been embraced by Asia, doubting Thomases may go and cry else where.