The Daft Bureaucracy in MoD Needs To Be Trained And Put On...

The Daft Bureaucracy in MoD Needs To Be Trained And Put On Leash By The Department Of Military Affairs


The Daft Bureaucracy in MoD Needs To Be Trained And Put On Leash By The Department Of Military Affairs

The Ex Servicemen, who are they ? Well they are the Indian Citizens who at a very young age had handed over a blank cheque to Mother India wherein any amount of Services could be asked from them including their life if inevitable.

Therefore it becomes incumbent on the Nation to look after them once these men are released from service. Our veterans, even after their service, are also one of the primary sources of inspiration and recruitment for the next gen. Their grievances, specifically with regards to changes in policy and how it affects them is not understood by lay persons.

Pressure on the decision makers (Political leadership ), to reverse harmful decisions, needs to come not just from the veteran associations but also civilian groups. Political leaders must not play into the hands of babus and their files. The Chief of Defence Staff must exercise tight control on this matter through the DMA and the respective Area HQ.

Secondly, the behind the scenes players (specifically the malicious ones) need to be tracked and rebutted by the alert public. In this age of social media with it’s viral spread, misinformation warfare (and it’s use by inimical forces – inside and outside the country) needs to be identified and refuted. The matter must be informed in detail to the nearest military Station HQ and the DMA, so that not only remedial action is taken but the culprit also punished.

The above RTI gives out that these babus of MoD have not only caused harm to the Ex Servicemen but also wasted valuable time of every one including over 47 crores in going into litigation against ESM.

All grievances of ESM must first be examined at Station HQ level and those recommended be given hearing by an empowered tribunal and disposed off. Only those cases which cannot be resolved be sent to MoD..