The Yoke All Indian Soldiers Are Expected To Carry

The Yoke All Indian Soldiers Are Expected To Carry


The Yoke All Indian Soldiers Are Expected To Carry

It was in today’s paper that FM has told the banks chairpersons to introduce OROP type scheme for retired bankers.

So No demand nor dharna required! Must be grateful to them for Mallyas and other such bandits. Good for the bankers. Once upon a time this Finance Minister was the Raksha Mantri too.

However she never cared if for full OROP, soldiers had to go to the Supreme Court …..My Lords The case is still getting a fresh date, each time it comes up for final verdict.

An Airlines Pilot Satish Sharma was always called Captain Satish Sharma by everyone, especially our beloved media. Though the same people in the media and elsewhere always called a defence officer including the Chiefs as Mister ……. So we in the military, We Hope that Assistant General Managers and above in the Banking Sector are not granted ranks by the Government as well and the media starts addressing them as Generals.

Soldiers of the country are being asked to be ready for pay and pension cuts, give up their defence perks.Why? Because defence budget cannot sustain the defence expenditure and we require more for modernization. Since soldiers joined the Forces, now it us their national duty to provide funds for running if the defence ministry.

Have ever the Chairman of the Railway Board asked the railways to be ready for a pay or pension cut ? Or any loss making PSU has though on these lines ?

Maharashtra Govt has in fact gone ahead and announced Spectacle allowance of Rs. 50000 per year for judges. Tamil Nadu has announced Servant allowance of Rs 10000 per month to all retired Chief secretaries and additional chief secretaries. Kerala has authorized free electricity for all IAS offrs.

lovely CDS first talks not letting an officer leave the service till he reaches the age of 57 and then talks of proportionate reduction in pension if one insists on leaving early after superannuation.

Give him pay of a Secretary to Government of India as done for all the civil servants, with all the perks, then he will surely stay back …..and soon learn to do as much as in the civil.

The pinnacle of socialism when a person becomes a MP or MLA then enjoys full pension even if the house gets dissolved before 5 years, what to talk of a life time ….. 35 years for the soldiers.