China mum about its defence minister’s disappearance

China mum about its defence minister’s disappearance


China mum about its defence minister’s disappearance

According to the earlier Western media reports, every thinks that Li Shangfu, who has not been seen in public in two weeks, was fired and is being investigated

Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Mao Ning has refrained from commenting on Western media allegations about Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu’s disappearance.

“I know nothing about the situation you have mentioned,” she told a briefing on Friday when asked to comment on reports about Li’s absence from the public eye.

The Financial Times reported earlier, citing its sources, that the United States thinks that Li, who has not been seen in public in two weeks, was fired and is being investigated.

However, websites in the Chinese segment, in particular the Baidu search engine, refer to Li Shangfu as Defence Minister and a member of the Central Military Commission.