Afghan Policewoman Killed By Taliban Terrorists In Front Of Her Family

Afghan Policewoman Killed By Taliban Terrorists In Front Of Her Family


Afghan Policewoman Killed By Taliban Terrorists In Front Of Her Family


Americans had intervened in Afghanistan in 2001. Since then an entire generation of afghani girls have grown up in complete freedom of the brutal Islamic cult. They only read about Taliban terrorists in the books and heard stories about them. Now after the Withdrawal of US Forces, they are facing the Taliban terror physically and have to live with it. There seems to be no hope.

Nowan Afghan policewoman was shot dead by the Taliban in front of her family in Ghor province, an Afghan journalist informed in a tweet.Nigara was 6 months pregnant and was shot in front of her husband and children. How brutal these terrorists can become and now they will be governing the Country.

A per reports, Women have started buying head and body coverings out of fear that the Taliban would hunt down and beat them up if they were seen without hijabs or burqas, something similar to what used to happen in the country in the 1990s.

These developments came a few days after dozens of Afghan women held protests in Herat demanding rights and female representation in the government formation after the Taliban took control of the war-ravaged country.

Protestors were carrying banners with slogans against the exclusion of women from the country’s political system under the regime of the Taliban, Tolo News reported.

As the Taliban took control of Afghanistan once again Afghan women are most likely to face an uncertain future under the group’s regime. Women are scared out of their minds.

Will the rest of the world come to their rescue ? Where is the UNCHR ? Where are those Members of UK Parliament so eager to visit Kashmir Valley ? Why don’t they rush down to Kabul and demand “explanation “ from the Taliban.