Armed Forces Flag Day : We Are Veterans

Armed Forces Flag Day : We Are Veterans


Armed Forces Flag Day : We Are Veterans

Dated : 07 Dec 2020 (IST)

Today, 7th December is the Armed Forces Flag Day. This started from 1949, to honour our armed forces who been fighting valiantly to protect the country from the enemies at the border and hinterland. This is for the men in uniform who during various wars and fight against the ongoing cross-border terrorism and insurgency, have lost their lives and leaving quite a few disabled. The trauma that the family suffers not only when their head of the family is either killed or disabled is very difficult to understand.

Each year around 60,000 Defence personnel are compulsorily retired, to keep the armed forces young. They are released between 35-40 years of age and they are physically fit and young. Therefore, caring for these ex-soldiers and their families is a national responsibility.

A Veteran is one who had as a young man given a blank cheque to Mother India to be encashed anywhere, anytime with whatever needed to be filled in, including his life.
Here is an Ode to the Veterans :

(A beautiful story of each & everyone of us Army, Navy and Air force)

We Are Veterans.

We left home as teenagers for an unknown adventure.

We loved our country enough to defend it and protect it with our own lives.

We said goodbye to friends and family and everything we knew.

We learned the basics and then we scattered in the wind to the far corners of the Earth.

We found new friends and new family.

We became brothers and sisters regardless of colour, race or creed.

We had plenty of good times, and plenty of bad times.

We didn’t get enough sleep..

Some smoked and drank too much.

We picked up both good and bad habits.

We worked hard and played harder.

We didn’t earn a great wage.

We experienced the happiness of mail call and the sadness of missing important events.

We didn’t know when, or even if, we were ever going to see home again.

We grew up fast, and yet somehow, we never grew up at all.

We fought for our freedom, as well as the freedom of others.

Some of us saw actual combat, and some of us didn’t.

Some of us saw the world, and some of us didn’t.

Some of us dealt with physical warfare, most of us dealt with psychological warfare.

We have seen and experienced and dealt with things that we can’t fully describe or explain, as not all of our sacrifices were physical.

We participated in time honoured ceremonies and rituals with each other, strengthening our bonds and camaraderie.

We counted on each other to get our job done and sometimes to survive it at all.

We have dealt with victory and tragedy.

We have celebrated and mourned.

We lost a few along the way.

When our adventure was over, some of us went back home, some of us started somewhere new and some of us never came home at all.

We have told amazing and hilarious stories of our exploits and adventures.

We share an unspoken bond with each other, that most people don’t experience, and few will understand.

We speak highly of our own branch of service, and poke fun at the other branches.

We know however, that, if needed, we will be there for our brothers and sisters and stand together as one, in a heartbeat.

Being a veteran is something that had to be earned, and it can never be taken away.

It has no monetary value, but at the same time it is a priceless gift.

Too few see the value of a veteran and then thank them for their service.

When we see each other, we give that little upwards head nod, or a slight smile, knowing that we have shared and experienced things that most people have not.

So, from myself to the rest of the veterans out there, I commend and thank you for all that you have done and sacrificed for your country.

But most importantly, stand tall and proud, for you have earned the right to be called a Veteran.

Jail Hind ki Sena