Armenia continues getting Indian and French arms

Armenia continues getting Indian and French arms


Armenia continues getting Indian and French arms

Armenia India relationship goes back into history. Now Armenia needs to strengthen uts defence forces against Azerbaijan.

Thus to counterbalance te Azerbaijani LORA missile , Armenia will be getting the Barak-8 system. In 2023, Armenia had received Pinaka multiple-launch rocket systems it ordered from India the previous year, in a move which rattled the Turkey – Pakistan – Azerbaijan axis and thus the Supply was denounced by Azerbaijan. In October 2023, Armenia also ordered Zen anti-drone systems and medium-range Akash air defence missile systems from India. Armenia is now considering procuring the more advanced Akash-NG air defence system which is one of the best in the world.

Armenia has recently also acquired Caesar self-propelled howitzers from France. The deal was signed during a meeting between the defence ministers of France and Armenia at the Eurosatory 2024 defence exhibition. The exact details of the contract, including the number of systems Armenia will acquire, have not been disclosed. However, the acquisition of Caesar howitzers is seen as a significant development in Armenia’s military capabilities.

Armenia’s decision to acquire Caesar howitzers is part of its ongoing efforts to strengthen its defence capabilities and deepen military ties with France and India. countries. While Armenia is formally allied with Russia, it has been pivoting diplomatically and militarily towards France in recent years, accusing Moscow of failing to protect it from its long-time rival, Azerbaijan. This shift in alignment has led Armenia to seek military equipment from France and India.

Azerbaijan has criticized France for selling artillery to Armenia, accusing it of provocative activities in the South Caucasus region. The Azerbaijani Defence Ministry has stated that the French government’s supply of lethal weapons to Armenia contradicts its previous claim that the military equipment supplied to Armenia was of a defensive nature. However, France has a significant Armenian diaspora and has traditionally been a strong supporter of Armenia within Europe.