BIG EXPOSE: Rahul Gandhi’s Connection With Pakistan And Separatists EXPOSED

BIG EXPOSE: Rahul Gandhi’s Connection With Pakistan And Separatists EXPOSED


Rahul Gandhi Was Seen and campaigning with Salman Nizami who is a separatist and want to Separate Kashmir from India.

Earlier, Senior Congress leader Salman Nizami, Thursday while addressing five rallies in Mandvi, Kucch , Mangrol, Porbandar, Vavta (Gujarat) said a storm is building up in favor of Congress in Gujarat.

“It’s going to get two third majority in 2017 assembly elections in Gujarat, the mood is overwhelmingly anti-BJP.

The wave is for Rahul Gandhi,” he said, adding: Demonetization and GST are major issues and rising unemployment, the condition of farmers and loss of crops are some other major issues.”

“ Miseries that people faced due to note ban and GST are fresh in mind and they want to teach a lesson to the BJP in this election. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has no achievement to take to people. The poor are the worst sufferers during the tenure of this government,” he said.

He said BJP has always tried to polarize people. “Pro- development agenda of Congress will stop the polarization in Gujarat,” he said, adding: “People are fed up of communal politics, they yearn for change, development.”

In his public meetings Nizami reassured people in Gujarat that “no vile force in India could harm them or belittle their respect”.
He further said, “ In every street, every caste, every community, all are saying they are fed up with BJP’s polarizing rant.”

Nizami said: “Narendra Modi has been attempting to divide the society on the lines of caste and religion ever since elections were announced in the state.”

Nizami said Congress will not allow BJP to “spread hatred” in Gujarat.

“This storm will finish Narendra Modi and his party BJP,” he said.
Nizami lambasted the BJP governmnet and said, “Modi government created problems for the public, snatching the breads from the hands of the poor. Business has come to a standstill and farmers could not sow the seeds.”

He said the Congress will bring “over 140 seats” in forthcoming polls in Gujarat and give a good governance to the people and “our government will bring all round development”.