China Angry At Explosive Attack On Its Consulate General in Brazil

China Angry At Explosive Attack On Its Consulate General in Brazil


China Angry At Explosive Attack On Its Consulate General in Brazil

The Chinese Consulate General in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, was attacked on Friday by a man who threw explosives at the consulate general, causing damage to some buildings but no injuries.

In an official statement released by It, the Chinese Embassy and Consulate in Brazil said it is in close communication with Brazilian authorities and that it has called for a thorough investigation into the attack and the arrest and punishment of the culprit, and that appropriate measures be implemented to prevent similar accidents from happening again.

The attack implies that development of China-Brazil relations are facing some rough weather and opposition from within Brazil. The relationship is not being perceived as beneficial to the interests of people of Brazil. So this may be a sort if warning to China to lay off.

Though the Brazilian government will take all effective measures to protect Chinese diplomatic institutions and personnel in accordance with international conventions such as the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, and ensure that the safety and dignity of Chinese institutions and personnel in Brazil are not violated, the Chinese have to stop me telling in the internal affairs.

According to media reports, on Thursday evening, a local man threw an explosive at the Chinese Consulate General in Rio de Janeiro. The incident did not cause any casualties but the consulate building was partially damaged. The police are currently searching for the suspect based on video surveillance.

The incident occurred at 9:48 pm. A surveillance video shows a man in black clothes wearing a hat and a mask took the explosive out of his pocket, waited for about 10 seconds and then threw it toward the gate of the consulate general and then fled.

After receiving the report, the Rio police went to the scene to collect the explosion residue and immediately began searching for the suspect.