Garcetti Ji please Note, even India has a ‘RED LINE’, All terrorists...

Garcetti Ji please Note, even India has a ‘RED LINE’, All terrorists threatening India need to fear for their safety


Garcetti Ji please Note, even India has a ‘RED LINE’, All terrorists threatening India need to fear for their safety

US Ambassador Shri Eric Garcetti, the US Ambassador to India said that a ‘red line’ should not be crossed between the two countries. He meant the treat to life of an American terrorist Gurpatwant Singh Pannun.

He said no government employee of any country can be involved in an assassination plot of a foreign citizen. It happens that he just forgot about the killing of Osama bin Laden even when the chap was not even active but just in hiding in Pakistan. Whereas this American terrorist is active against India from USA itself and Garcatti’s boss Biden is not taking any action.

Still Garcetti goes on say “I think that’s absolutely critical. For any of us, just abstractly, that has to be a red line. No government official or government employee can be involved in the alleged assassination of one of your own citizens. That’s just an unacceptable red line.”

Rather the USA administration seems to be protecting this American terrorist. As per the US Justice Department indictment, an Indian national, Nikhil Gupta, who is currently in custody, has been charged with the murder-for-hire of Pannun.

The US Justice Department had claimed that an Indian government employee, who was not identified in the indictment filed, had recruited Gupta to hire a hitman to allegedly assassinate Pannun, which was foiled by US authorities.

External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar rightly said on Monday that “The US ambassador, as an ambassador, will say what he thinks is the position of his government. The position of my government is that in this particular case, there has been certain information provided to us that we are investigating, Jaishankar said while addressing a press conference in the national capital.

India has been investigating the alleged assassination plot of Khalistani terrorist Gurpatwant Singh Pannun on the basis of “certain information” provided by the United States.

In an interview, Garcetti acknowledged that India and the United States are working together in the investigation of the alleged foiled assassination plot against Khalistani terrorist Pannun.

Gurpatwant Singh Pannun is an India-designated terrorist who is both an American and Canadian citizen. He has repeatedly issued threats against India and helps support various terror activities in India. USA acts oblivious of the situation.

Last year, Pannun threatened that Air India would not be allowed to operate on November 19. Following this, he also threatened an attack on the Indian Parliament on the anniversary of the Parliament attack on December 13.

The US envoy also appreciated that India set an inquiry commission to look into the matter. Well soon the full report on this American terrorist should be available and handed over to USA Justice Department for taking action, against its Citizen.

“I think, strongly, but so far, everything that’s been asked of the Indian government has been done. And I would say vice versa. Whenever there is accusations the other direction, we take that incredibly seriously,” Garcetti added.

In December last year, US Principal Deputy National Security Advisor Jon Finer acknowledged India’s establishment of a Committee of Enquiry to investigate the Pannun activities in the US.