India must strive to take lead on AI Front

India must strive to take lead on AI Front


India must strive to take lead on AI Front

Nowadays, major countries are in a race in trying to establish themselves as leader in the field of Artificial Intelligence. Even a country like Britain has pitched itself to the world and trying to project itself as a “ ready leader “ in shaping an “international response “ to the rise of artificial intelligence.

The Deputy Prime Minister of Britain Oliver Dowden told the U.N. General Assembly that his country was “determined to be in the vanguard” of the AI race. This will be the new methodology to control the developing countries of Asia, Africa and South America.

Shri Diwden has been touting that the United Kingdom’s tech companies, its universities and even Industrial Revolution-era innovations, has “the grounding to make AI a success and make it safe.” He went on to suggest that a British AI task force, which is working on methods for assessing AI systems’ vulnerability, could develop expertise to offer internationally.

His remarks at the UN preceded an AI safety summit that Rishi Sunak is convening in November this year. Dowden’s speech came at a time when other countries including the European Union, other multinational groups are consolidating on artificial intelligence.

The EU this year has already passed regulations that set requirements and controls based on the level of risk that any given AI system poses, right from spam filters to various unacceptable activities. Next they will use such regulations to try and restrict growth of AI in other developing countries.

The battles seems to have commenced as many American companies too have demanded a need for AI regulations, in their particular way. And in Europe, companies ranging from French jet maker Airbus to to Dutch beer giant Heineken are urging the EU to reconsider its rules, saying it would put European companies at a disadvantage.

“The starting gun has been fired on a globally competitive race in which individual companies as well as countries will strive to push the boundaries as far and fast as possible,” Dowden said. He argued that “the most important actions we will take will be international.”

So now it is time that India, showcases its expertise on AI to the World. India should also make its own AI regulations and use it protect the needs of the developing World. AI has utilization in manufacturing, medical diagnosis, agriculture, Construction, Space technology etc with unlimited potential. There are also dangers of increased cyber terror and what not. Just like nuclear fission / fusion, AI can be constructive or disruptive.

The U.N., will soon assemble an advisory board to make recommendations on structuring international rules for artificial intelligence. Members will be appointed this month, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres told the General Assembly on Tuesday; the group’s first take on a report is due by the end of the year. India must demand membership in this advisory board.