Indian Eyes In The Sky : Pakistan Cannot Hide Any Activity

Indian Eyes In The Sky : Pakistan Cannot Hide Any Activity


Indian Eyes In The Sky : Pakistan Cannot Hide Any Activity

Know thy enemy is an age old concept as laid down by Chankya. Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) have existed since early days of wars. The intrinsic value of ISR have remained unchanged though the technologies have been changing.

India is fast keeping up with the evolving technological advancements. One of the major requirements of the Indian armed forces is maintaining and strengthening its Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities. This is the reason that India is actively adding new ISR capabilities while simultaneously working towards indigenized ISR capabilities.

Indian Multi Agency Centre and National Intelligence Grid play an integral role in synergizing intelligence. India’s ISR capabilities include space-based ones like INSAT, Indian Remote Sensing Satellite, Radar Imaging Satellite, aerial ones like UAVs that include Lakshya, Nishant, Kapothaka, to name a few, and aircrafts and helicopters and Airborne Early Warning Radars and Control Systems (AWACS ) and long range naval maritime recce platforms.

Forces need sophisticated and advanced ISR capabilities for conventional and nuclear deterrence to prevail, both in the times of peace and war. A state cannot win a battle without the right knowledge of enemy’s capabilities and whereabouts. P

Peacetime information gathering allows for a vantage point deterring the adversary from engaging into a conflict. Hence conflict avoidance is a highly probable by-product here coupled with a cut above preparedness for future challenges. However, information can only be gathered with the help of surveillance and reconnaissance.

Being prepared during peacetime in all aspects enhances a state’s operational readiness for wartime especially when it is integrated with command and control along with communication. This explains India’s focus on enhancing its ISR capabilities. Availability of battlefield intelligence in the real-time will provide India the capability to read the current situation, broadly define the future course, assess the difference between the two, and envision major actions that link them.