Israel – Hamas conflict must not lead to WW-III

Israel – Hamas conflict must not lead to WW-III


Israel – Hamas conflict must not lead to WW-III

By Colonel Krityanand Das

On 28 June 1914 Austrian heir apparent arch duke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by a South Slav Gavrilu Prinup. No one then thought that, that assassination would lead to a world War.

Similarly when Sudetanland was occupied in 1938 by Hitler no one thought that, that would lead to a world War. The paper that Chamberlain flaunted on return from Munich couldn’t prevent the world war.

However, a war in Korea remained localized and did not move beyond the Korean peninsula even though a super power was directly involved in it and even China had joined in subsequently.

War in Vietnam almost remained a local affair only, though super powers and their allies were involved in the war.

Cuban Crisis of early sixties was handled maturely by the leadership of the two super powers.

Frequent wars and nuclear threats in the Subcontinent have remained relatively short and local affair only.

Many skirmishes in Middle East have remained local affair.

Even the war in Ukraine has assumed a local tone.

Post WW-II generations seems to have been born saner!

What will be the fate of Hamas – Israel war?

Most probably it will remain a local conflict. Where world powers will only indulge in fishing in the proverbial troubled waters, to safe guard their own interests and preserve the integrity of their regional allies.

Now that there are enough information’s available to believe that actions by Hamas was a Sino – Iranian mischief to upset the India Middle East Europe Economic Corridor and Israel- Saudi bonhomie in form of Abrahamic Accord. Hamas only got used in the game, bringing miseries to the common Palestinians. And they have to bear the burnt of Israeli anger which is quite normal and natural after what the Hamas did on 7thOctober.Its sad that common Palistians have to bear the collateral damages rather disproportionately!

But it will be a mistake if the regional player is left to go scot- free. In that case the same mischief will unfold in future with lots of fine tunings and refinements and may be with more vengeance and ferocity. That may slip out of hands and turn into major conflict.

Every aggressive events in the Middle East has been made use of by Americans to eliminate such aggressive states. Kuwait’s Invasion by Iraq resulted in heavy punishment to Iraq and the subsequently War of Weapons of Mass Destruction finally reduced it into a state of nothingness.

Arab Spring finished Libyan pretences of being any thing that could matter.

Arab Spring also destroyed Syria significantly and whatever, the left over remained was destroyed in war against the Islamic state subsequently.

The Iranian pretences are the only irritant of some significance now in the Middle East capable of recreating disturbing nuisances in the region. The Americans should use this opportunity to punish Iran the way Iraq, Syria and Libya were punished in the past. This will get tacit support from the Saudi Arabia and many other Arab states of the region.

This will put some sense and fear in the Turkiye leadership also, which in recent past have had pretences of revival of the Ottoman Caliphate!

Situations inside Iran look as if Iranians are fed up of Islamic Revolutionary state and its insane dictates and are asking for change. World should come to their help.May be a saner Iran may evolve where a democratic state may evolve!

Like Egypt, Iran has been a Civilisational State!

The Saudi’s tilt towards China will be straightened significantly if not absolutely.

This will caution China to wait for a while to indulge in the region again.

Some sort of settlement will also be needed to be brought about between the Palistine and Israel so that an end is brought to the Hamas now and such outfits growth in future.

The miseries and unfortunate misfortunes that have visited the common Palestinians in this conflict may draw them to negotiate a settlement for Two States concept and move towards a longer peaceful coexistence.

So may be these two things that is reduction and destruction of Iran to insignificance and settlement of the Palestinian Problem with acceptance of Two States concept will be a welcome out come of this unfortunate conflict.

China will need an all together a different treatment. It will be foolish to engage China militarily now or even in future as that will lead to a World War. Which no sane leadership will like to invite.

Investment and transfer of technology by the West created this Frankstein Monster out of China, which has become so difficult to manage now.

Export based Chinese economy can only be trimmed by reducing import from China.For that investment and transfer of technology need to be made to stable and smaller Asian and African states so that dependence on Chinese imports is reduced world over and its economy is trimmed. And life and living in many African and Asian states are significantly improved.

China at present is a Prison House of Nationalities like once USSR was. All sorts of help must be given to the people of China Occupied Tibet(COT),China Occupied East Turkistan(COET), China Occupied South Mongolia(COSM), China Occupied Manchuria(COM) and China Occupied Yunnan(COY) to thrown the yoke of slavery and push the ethnic Hans out from this imprisoned nations where they have been forced to settle and indulge in state sponsored genocide and forced marriages with local women. It will need immense moral support and materials means to orgnise, augument and sustain liberation movements inside China of that magnitude. But leaving China alone will not only encourage it in disturbing its immediate neighborhood but also far-flung regions as of now in the Middle East. Tomorrow it could be in Africa, Latin America and who knows – Europe and may be North America! The timely action must start and may be its time now!