Kashmir Finally Looking Bright

Kashmir Finally Looking Bright


Kashmir Finally Looking Bright

Jammu and Kashmir in spite of Ranbir Singh Penal Code ,is unquestionably, part of India. Of late, this fact has sunk into every one , the majority of the State politicians , majority of the erstwhile Paki sympathizers , majority of the over ground supporters of Separatists of the Hurriyat variety, many among the Hurriyat itself and it includes the Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti. The vast majority of the people of Kashmir have always supported this fact ever since 1947 when the brutal tribal had unleashed total horror on the population of entire Baramula area right up to Badgam near Srinagar. Now a handful of Pakistani terrorists and their dwindling band of supporters have been making bizarre statements by way of attacking families of local policemen and local workers of ruling PDP party . This indicates some sort of desperation on the part of Hurriyat, terrorists and Pakistan towards the scenario unfolding in the Valley .

The National Investigation Agency (NIA) after careful surveillance and intelligence gathering finally struck a lethal blow on the leaders of All Parties Hurriyat Conference . Their arrest with proof of their terrorist links, details of all their illegal wealth, details of their methodology for inciting the Kashmiri youth and instigating violence through them have not only shaken them but also exposed them to the people of the entire state.

In addition to Pakistan, these separatists were also reportedly receiving funds from outfits in London , Dubai, Saudi Arabia and parts of Europe. With the arrest and interrogation of a number of separatist by the NIA , including

Shahid-ul-Islam, a top aide of Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, leader of the moderate faction of the Hurriyat , various confirmatory and confessionary details have come tumbling out . Though initially under pressure from various directions even Mehbooba the CM had stated that the NIA had no jurisdiction in Jammu and Kashmir. She had made yet another peculiar statement: She said that if Article 35A (which deals with Jammu and Kashmir’s special status) was tinkered with, there will be no one left to hold the National Flag, which her party and some other parties were carrying “despite all risks”.    This cut no ice with the PM, Home Minister , PMO and the Home Ministry. Even Supreme Court remained unmoved . Hurriyat already totally dazed by DEMONETIZATION and virtual banning of foreign funding to NGOs was now totally decimated and so were the foreign terrorists and their Paki Sponsors including ISI.

Earlier there were clear links seen between the Jammu and Kashmir Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and the Hizbul Mujahideen .  In fact Mufti Mohammad Sayeed  had publicly thanked Pakistan in his speech in the presence of PM Modi himself . However this time tables have turned completely and every one knows that from here onwards Law will take its own course and it will finally prevail with people of the Valley giving it full support.

At the international level , after the SURGICAL STRIKE ordered by the Indian Cabinet the whole World came to know about the Indian resolve. Therefore United States branded Hizbul Mujahideen chief Syed Salahuddin as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT). So did the United Nations and indirectly even the Chinese . Supporting this fact was the detailed ‘protest calendar’ issued and signed by APHC chairman Syed Ali Shah Geelani, recovered from his house during a search operation conducted by NIA. This totally exposed the fact that separatists had been coordinating with handlers in Pakistan to create instability leading to periodic widespread violence.

In phase one , Demonetization and ban on foreign funding to NGOs took out the wind from the terrorist sail. In phase two came the Surgical strike to break the rudder of the terrorist ship. Third Phase to break the engine and the ship followed with the hurricane assault on the terrorist leadership and terrorist camps by the Army and wide spread combing by   Security Forces ( Central Police Forces and State Police). This unnerved the Separatists and terrorists completely. Killing of Burhan Wani had led to seemingly mass protests . However the documents now recovered shows listed dates when protests and other activities related to civil unrest were to be carried out in the Valley following the killing of Burhan Wani. Everyone witnessed the violence, stone-pelting and killings but all were orchestrated .

These protests,  to fan radicalism, involved local clerics and separatist cadres as well as activists of Opposition parties and were funded by the Hurriyat in concert with Pakistani agencies. Geelani was allegedly the main coordinator.

Separatists not only paid stone-pelters, but called for and funded protest assemblies, blocked roads and select government buildings, and radicalised youth in mosques by playing songs that called for ‘azaadi’ through loudspeakers.  The increase in violence — especially after Friday prayers — were obvious, what with Pakistani and Islamic State flags reportedly being waved and hoisted. The Hurriyat’s radicalisation diktat was being published in regional newspapers even before the killing of Burhan Wani. Howeverthe State Govt seemed to be totally paralyzed.

Now in Phase Four it was the turn of the NIA to finally strike a lethal blow to sink the entire ship . Earlier over the years, it had been reporting that goods moving from India into Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) were highly overpriced, and that the excess money was being used to fund terrorism, narco-terrorism, weapons and ammunition in Jammu and Kashmir. That many of the politicians and bureaucrats received their cut , and Hurriyat separatists were using such funds to amass individual wealth and property. Finally they have even arrested the son of Sayyed Salahuddin .

So now The Army , the Central Security Forces, the State Police and the NIA along with Home Ministry , Foreign Ministry and the PMO all are working together to get rid of the terrorists and separatists from J& K. Soon the terrorists are going to get their hoors in the skies above and the Separatists their cells in Tihar on ground.

The state economy is already looking with Power position improving day by day and road and air communication in its finest form . Rail link with rest if India is not far behind. The youth have been given a road map, explaining to them that violence and terror hinders development. The leaders are highlighting the atrocities committed by Pakistani terrorists: Rapes, forced marriages and mutilations. Coffers of Hurriyat leaders earlier flush with ill-gotten gains and an unending flow of cash through NGOs now are getting empty with no chances of refill .The NIA continues to unearth more secrets and pull on threads that will unravel how terror is funded in Jammu and Kashmir, the political leaders of all hue now must pitch in and re shape the society.