Massive blow dealt to Ukraine’s energy system on Tuesday

Massive blow dealt to Ukraine’s energy system on Tuesday


Massive blow dealt to Ukraine’s energy system on Tuesday

Earlier, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky said that on Tuesday, many cities in the country recorded power outages

The most massive blow since the escalation of the conflict in February was dealt to the energy system of Ukraine on Tuesday, Energy Minister German Galushchenko reported.

“This is the most massive shelling of the energy system. <…> “[Missile] hits have been reported on the whole energy system of Ukraine – both on generation facilities and on the power transmission system.

Emergency power cuts have been implemented,” the minister wrote on his Facebook page (a social media site banned in Russia since it is owned by Meta Corporation, which has been deemed extremist by Russia’s authorities).

Earlier, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky said that on Tuesday, many cities in the country recorded power outages. The power supply situation in Ukraine is critical at the moment, Kirill Timoshenko, Deputy Chief of the Presidential Office, wrote on his Telegram channel on Tuesday.

Prior to that, an air alert warning was issued throughout Ukraine. Authorities in many cities and regions of the country reported explosions and power outages. The air alert warning has now been called off in most of the Ukrainian regions.