” No Invitation To Pakistan PM From Russia Economic Forum Meet “

” No Invitation To Pakistan PM From Russia Economic Forum Meet “


” No Invitation To Pakistan PM From Russia Economic Forum Meet “

Russia has clarified that Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan has not been invited for the Eastern Economic Forum which will happen in the far eastern russian port city of Vladivostok.

This after Pakistani media reported last week that an invite was extended by Russian President Vladimir Putin to Pak Prime Minister during the Shanghai cooperation organization summit in Bishkek last month.

Russian Foreign Ministry in a statement said, “We drew attention to the publications in a number of South Asian media that the Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Imran Khan was invited to the events of the Eastern Economic Forum (WEF-5) in Vladivostok (September 4-6, this year) as the guest of honor…”

Explaining, “We expect that the President of Mongolia H. Battulga, the Prime Minister of India N. Modi, the Prime Minister of Malaysia M. Mohammad and the Prime Minister of Japan S. Abe will arrive” in Vladivostok.

Overall 3 Prime Ministers & One President will be attending the forum. The forum meet that began in 2015 aims to garner investment in Russia’s far east region.

PM Modi will be going for the forum meet as a special guest. Russian President Vladimir Putin had extended the invite during a telephonic conversation on 1st January and reiterated the invite during a conversation in February.