Open letter to Gujaratis from a Bihari

Open letter to Gujaratis from a Bihari


Open letter to Gujaratis from a Bihari
Dear 7 crore Gujaratis,
Since last 15 years, you have been blessed with tremendous development in the fields of agriculture, irrigation, industries, infrastructure, uninterrupted power supply and excellent roads.
Unlike many other states in India, atleast “Bijli, Pani, Sadak” is no more an issue in Gujarat thanks to Narendra Modi’s work as the CM of state. A state which had vast regions of dry arid land is fertile today due to creation of excellent irrigation facilities. There is hardly any state in India which can even dream of uninterrupted power supply all through the cities, towns and villages. You don’t have to worry about jobs. You have good jobs available in almost every district – thanks to widespread industrialisation that happened in the period 2003-2013.
The basic issues have been solved, and the development is not only clearly visible but the effects have reached and benefited the last man in the queue. At such a moment, it’s necessary to consolidate and expand the development to secure future generations of Gujarat.
You have always been a model for entire India, displaying a massive Hindu unity (visible from 60% vote share of BJP in 2014). You have been always voting for the twin agenda of development and Hinduism. Who other than proud Gujaratis can know how much you all have benefited from it ?
However of late, Congress has started it’s “divide and rule” policies to break you into castes and then turn against each other – Patels, Patidars, OBC Ekta, Dalit and what not… Groups are trying to continuously create a rift. As a Bihari, I can tell you how terrible caste-based electoral division is ! Since early 1990s, Bihar got so deeply divided on caste lines that we have not been able to recover from it. (If you closely look at congress’s campaign in gujarat, its all about caste, reservation, religion, immature jokes and moral bankruptcy).
Development disappeared. Law and order became non-existent. Goons and criminals were protected and promoted. The party in power belonged to a particular caste and they looted ransoms from people of other castes. Life in Bihar was and is still difficult. All in the name of Caste-based politics and appeasing particular castes to win elections. The cracks that are present in Bihar’s society owe a great deal to the caste-based politics. Once you get divided on the basis of caste due to small egos and misunderstanding, it is almost impossible to recover.
I speak all these with a personal experience of Bihar. As a Bihari, even for a decent job, I will have to go Gujarat, Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore or any other metro. There is no job even in the capital of Patna. There is hardly any industry. There is hardly any organised private sector enterprise. Caste based elections ruined us.
Don’t let Gujarat become another Bihar. I have immense faith in my 7 crore fellow Gujarat friends and I am confident you will give a tight slap to the three puppets of Congress, who are dividing you on the basis of caste. Don’t let that day come when Gujaratis will have to move out to other state for jobs, and live without 24×7 electricity and drive on roads with potholes.
Dont forget when you and your family members were facing floods recently, your cong MLAs were enjoying in a 5 star resort of bengaluru owned by a corrupt cong politician.
Your well wisher,
Kshitij Mohan Singh