Pakistan Chief Bajwa vows to Avenge Bloodshed on Indian Border

Pakistan Chief Bajwa vows to Avenge Bloodshed on Indian Border


Khan Sahib, as the PM designate of Pakistan had said “We should sit across and resolve the issues instead of we blaming India for problems in Balochistan and they blame us for problems in Kashmir. I can say that if you will take one step forward, we will take two steps forward.

The relationship between the two countries has been one-sided so far and Pakistan has been blamed for all sorts of terrorism in the world. We want friendship with India and want to resolve all issues through dialogue.”

This was his first speech after the July general elections, in which the cricketer Khan now the politician wanted good relations with India and work to resolve all outstanding issues through dialogue.

Mentioning Kashmir as the core issue of dispute between the two nations, Khan said that it was time the two countries sat across the table and discussed the issues of concern.

However the Chief of Pakistan has contradicted the PM by stating he “will avenge the blood of its soldiers being shed on the border.” Thus Bajwa’s latest statement is a shut up call the PM and the government’s diplomatic position.

Speaking at the same event, Khan reiterated his goal of achieving peace and said that the country would not fight anyone else’s war and his government’s main aim is to work for the welfare of the people.

“For the past three weeks, I have been seeing presentations on all the problems that this country is facing, and I can tell you this that we will become a nation and rise again. We can overcome these problems once we strengthen the rule of law in this country,” said Khan the PM.

Even in his previous speeches, has maintained that he wanted to have good relations with the neighbouring countries, including India.

The Pakistani government has also been indicating towards resumption of bilateral dialogue with India, for which New Delhi has made clear that it first wants a conducive atmosphere that is free from terrorism.

All this should be a clear warning to those in India who start championing AMAN KI AAASHA with the Pakis, at the drop of a hat and even go to the extent of slighting our soldiers, getting martyred on the borders.