Pathetic : US Senators & Congressmen Protested On  Indian CAA, But Themselves...

Pathetic : US Senators & Congressmen Protested On  Indian CAA, But Themselves Permit Only Jews And Certain Kind Of Christians Into USA


Pathetic : US Senators & Congressmen Protested On  Indian CAA, But Themselves Permit Only Jews And Certain Kind Of Christians Into USA

A gun totting Muslim protester during the Delhi riots following Citizenship Amendment Act

A nationwide protest had been fueled by certain vested interests financed by external sources over the CAA, with Shaheen Baug in Delhi witnessing protests for nearly a month.

Several so called human rights organisations in various countries criticised the Indian Government about the CAA, saying it is ‘unconstitutional’ and a direct target at minority communities, particularly Muslims. Though these “champions of Human Rights “mostly turn a blind eye to the going on in their own country, here they outright insulted both the Indian Parliament which passed the law and the Indian Supreme court which up held the law. These Human Righters should know that the two Indian Institutions have far better record than all of theirs put together.

According to the CAA, Hindus, Christians, Buddhists, Jains, Sikhs and Parsi migrants who have illegally entered India in the past five years from Muslim-majority nations such as Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh, are eligible to apply for Indian citizenship. The Centre has excluded Muslims from this list as the other religions, they say, have faced prosecution I in these nations and it is India’s ‘moral obligation’ to provide them shelter. The provision has been extended only to people of six religions, and not Muslims. It does Not apply Muslims people coming from these three countries, because Jinhah and his Muslim league forced a partition and carved out a separate nation for their Muslim followers. Thus the Union government is clear that people of these six faiths have faced persecution in these three Islamic countries, Muslims haven’t. It is, therefore, India’s moral obligation to provide them shelter.
However in case any Muslim faces political or religious persecution in Pakistan or Bangladesh or Afghanistan then he is free to apply for asylum in India as per already existing provisions of Indian Constitution.

Now an Indian-origin US lawyer has exposed the duplicity of the American Senators and Congressmen.He had argued on Twitter that the United States’ criticism on India regarding the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) was ‘misguided’ ( out right outrageous too and with vested interests ), adding that US has a version of the CAA that protects religious prosecuted groups.

Rajdeep Singh Jolly took to Twitter to say, “After further study, I believe U.S. criticism of India’s Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) was misguided. The law merely reduces wait times for certain persecuted minorities seeking asylum, much like the Lautenberg Amendment under the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) (sic).”

According to Jolly, who shared a screenshot of an Amendment in the US Constitution, certain members of religious minority groups in Eurasia and the Baltics, including Jews, Evangelical Christians and Ukrainian Catholics are considered under a reduced evidentiary standard for establishing a well-founded fear of persecution.

After further study, I believe U.S. criticism of India’s Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) was misguided. The law merely reduces wait times for certain persecuted minorities seeking asylum, much like the Lautenberg Amendment under the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP).
— Rajdeep Singh Jolly (@AttorneyJolly) May 17, 2020

Even Eastern Europe picked and chose the type of refugees they wanted. According to a 2015 report in Quartz, during the peak of the Syria refugee crisis, many Eastern European nations were choosing Christian refugees over Muslims. Slovakia’s interior ministry said it would be willing to take in 200 refugees, but would strongly prefer non-Muslims. ”We want to choose people who really want to start a new life in Slovakia. Slovakia as a Christian country can really help Christians from Syria to find new home in Slovakia,” a spokesperson for the ministry had said at the time.