Russia’s resolution on US bio laboratories in Ukraine not accepted by UNSC

Russia’s resolution on US bio laboratories in Ukraine not accepted by UNSC


Russia’s resolution on US bio laboratories in Ukraine not accepted by UNSC

The Russian Federation and China voted in favor of the document, the United Kingdom, the United States and France voted against, nine more countries abstained from voting

The UN Security Council did not accept Russia’s draft resolution, which suggested setting up its commission to investigate into the activities of US biological laboratories in Ukraine. Three votes were against the resolution and only two in favour. There were seven who refrained from voting including India.

Russia and China voted for the document, the UK, the US and France voted against it, while the remaining members of the Security Council, including Albania, Gabon, Ghana, India, Ireland, Kenya, Mexico, Norway and the UAE, refrained from voting.

The document suggested that the UN Security Council decide to set up a commission consisting of all its members “to investigate into the claims against the US and Ukraine contained in the complaint of the Russian Federation regarding the compliance with obligations under the Convention in the context of the activities of biological laboratories in the territory of Ukraine, as well as present to the Council a report on the issue on containing recommendations by 30 November 2022 and inform the States Parties to the Convention at its Ninth Review Conference to be held in Geneva on 28 November – 16 December 2022 of the results of the investigation.”

Russia’s First Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Dmitry Polyansky said that Western delegations had virtually sabotaged the negotiations process on the draft resolution.