Shameless Khan Humiliated Once Again By Kashmiris Of POK

Shameless Khan Humiliated Once Again By Kashmiris Of POK


Shameless Khan Humiliated Once Again By Kashmiris Of POK

Imran Khan was humiliated badly by Kashmiris of Pakistan Occupied Kashmir, when he went on a visit to Muzzafarabad on Friday. He had gone to address Kashmir “solidarity” rally.

This Kashmir “solidarity” rally was being organized to highlight the “plight” of Kashmiris and to send a message to the world community about clampdown in the Valley.

Instead, what turned out to be a major humiliation for Pakistan PM Imran Khan, people in PoK’s Muzaffarabad greeted him with chants of “Go Niazi Go Back” and “Kashmir banega Hindustan”.

Khan sahib has been trying to address rallies all over ever since India scrapped its Articles 370 and 35A, thereby ending special status accorded to Jammu and Kashmir, and dividing the state into two union territories, Islamabad has been raising a hue and cry over New Delhi’s historic move.

On August 30, Pakistan observed, “Kashmir Hour”, with the national anthem of the country and “Azad Jammu and Kashmir” (AJK) being played nationwide to express “solidarity” with Kashmiris. However, the event was a big failure with Pakistani citizens complaining about the problems they faced.

At 12 pm, sirens blared across Pakistan and traffic was supposed to halt in Islamabad with education institutions, government and private offices, banks, traders, lawyers and military authorities taking part in the various events in support of the people of Kashmir.

Instead the “Kashmir Hour” failed as it received no support from the Pakistani public. In fact large scale protests broke out in PoK over atrocities committed by the Pakistani Army and human rights violations.

An angry protester said, “Pakistan says that India is committing human rights violations in Kashmir. But what is the establishment itself doing here? Just see. This is the actual human rights violation.”

Khan has also tried to highlight the issue at every global platform but has failed to receive any support from the international community apart from China.

Khan had said, “I am going to do a “big jalsa” in Muzzafarabad on Friday, 13 September, to send a message to the world about the continuing siege of IOJK by Indian occupation forces; and to show the Kashmiris that Pakistan stands resolutely with them.”

Imran Khan is also going to meet US President Donald Trump twice during his visit to Washington later this month where he will also address the UN General Assembly (UNGA). Khan is expected to raise Kashmir issue during the UNGA session and will also shed tears in front of the US President once again on the situation in Kashmir.

The biggest setback for shameless Khan came when Muslim countries snubbed Pakistan over Kashmir with UAE foreign minister saying that Kashmir issue does not concern the Muslim Ummah (community) and termed the dispute a bilateral issue between New Delhi and Islamabad.