Tax Evader, BBC Blabbers Once Again on Press Freedom in Jammu &...

Tax Evader, BBC Blabbers Once Again on Press Freedom in Jammu & Kashmir


Tax Evader, BBC Blabbers Once Again on Press Freedom in Jammu & Kashmir

One of the cases highlighted in the BBC Blabber is of Aasif Sultan, a Srinagar based journalist and assistant editor of the Kashmir Narrator magazine who was arrested in August 2018 for outright violation of laws

Police in Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir have very strongly and rightly objected to an article published by BBC which happens to be the most biased news channel as on date. This Corporation thinks that it still runs the World. Well we Indians are now fully aware of BBCs agenda and are ready to reciprocate in equal measures. BBC must stop commenting on press freedom in India.

We all have seen how Britain has been treating Julius Assange, so BBC must just stop commenting on press freedom by using words such as “the Muslim-majority region “. Jammu & Kashmir is an integral part of India unlike British Occupied Scotland, British Occupied Northern Ireland, British Occupied Chagos Archipelago, British Occupied Malvinas and all other British Occupied Islands in Indian Ocean and Indo Pacific, which BBC claims to be part of breast Britain.

No wonder the police has threatened to take legal action against BBC for unfairly castigating its work and spreading communal misunderstandings.

The report by the British broadcaster, headlined “Any story could be your last” show cases its natural sinister plans against India – India’s crackdown on Kashmir press, was published on Friday and highlighted the case of several local journalists arrested on terrorism charges.

The BBC also documents the day-to-day harassment and intimidation other journalists have faced from security forces. As if the British Army and British Police welcomes terrorists and terror supporters on British soil with garlands.

“The article unfairly castigates efforts of J&K Police in maintaining law and order and security in J&K as biased against journalists,” the Jammu and Kashmir Police said in a post on X, formerly known as Twitter.

The police force “condemned” the attempt by the sinister BBC to misrepresent the situation on the ground, adding it maintains “the highest standards of professionalism”.

The so called “yearlong investigation” by the BBC was published as part of their GREAT GAME just weeks after an J&K news outlet, The Kashmir Walla, said Indian authorities had blocked access to its website.

Yes there is nothing to hide. All terrorist supporters and any web site spewing venom against India will be blocked and legal action will be taken. Even BBC will not be spared if it carries out anti India actions.

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A number of Kashmiri journalists have been arrested, questioned and investigated in relation to their work since Indian Parliament removed temporary provisions given in the Indian Constitution. It is to bring the State at par with the rest of the country. Now only the Pakistan Occupied Kashmir, Pakustan Occupied Poonch, Pakistan Occupied Gilgit & Baltistan and China Occupied Shaksgam are left to be integrated into India.

Anti-Pakistan sentiments now runs high in the entire POK region, which has been simmering since long. The Pakistan supported terrorism has been wiped out and now even Pakistan Occupied Kashmir wants to get merged into India. It is just a matter of time.

New Delhi took strong administrative action in 2019 aimed at rooting out terrorism from the entire territory, Pakistan can keep claiming J& K. India has the option to even reclaim Pakistan by derecognizing the Radcliffe line drawn by the British to divide India.

India and Pakistan have fought their three wars over J&K since gaining independence from the British in 1947. However the World should know that the next war will be the last for Pakistan.

The BBC claimed its reporter spoke to more than two dozen Kashmir journalists for the article. They included editors and reporters working for “independent “ nd national media organisations.

“The BBC has spent more than a year investigating accusations against the Indian government that it is running a sinister and systematic campaign to intimidate and silence the press in the region,” the broadcaster said.

“We had to meet journalists in secret, and they asked for their names to be hidden, fearing reprisals.” All of those interviewed said the government’s arbitrary arrests of media personalities was to send all journalists a “warning”.

One of the cases highlighted by the UK outlet was that of Aasif Suktan, who worked as an assistant editor for a Srinagar-based English magazine. Sultan has been in prison since August 2018 under the Unlawful Activities(Prevention) Act or UAPA, and is accused of harbouring known militants, an allegation he denies. He has also been charged with murder, attempt to murder and other crimes. Well he can deny it in the Court and they will decide his innocence.

The case of Fahad Shah – founding editor of The Kashmir Walla, who was arrested by police under an anti-terror law last year in February – is also detailed in the report. He was charged with glorifying terrorism and spreading fake news. In their post on X, the Kashmir police defended Shah’s arrest.

“It is pertinent to mention that one of the cases mentioned, … that of Fahad Shah, is one where a trial is already ongoing … and the court has already framed charges against him under the UAPA for providing terror sympathisers a platform for advocating terrorism,” the police said.

The BBC gives away itssinister plans by using words like HINDU NATIONALIST GOVT ( well do they call theirs as PROTESTANT MAJORITY BRITISH GOVT ?????), INDIAN ADMINISTERED KASHMIR ( Please use BRITISH OCCUPIED SCOTLAND every time on your broadcasts )

Then BBC says “this year, the media watchdog Committee to Protect Journalists said 62 journalists have been killed in India in connection with their work since 1992” …. Well no one gets impressed by such singleling out, it happens in USA, UK and rest of the World too when journalists try to investigate the local Mafia and India as a country has 1000 times more journalists.

BBC says that J& K witnessed more internet shutdowns than any other country in the world last year, according to Surfshark, a virtual private network provider. Yes we did it and will keep doing it to eradicate the terrororist dogs….what did France do when Paris was burning sometime back?What did USA when just one building came tumbling down on 9/11?

India has slipped in the press freedom index since Prime Minister Narendra Modi came to power in 2014. It ranks at 161 in a list of 180 countries…..Well majority Indians are proud of PM Modi, can see through BBCs game and not bothered by these White statistics which are just twisted data.

BBC offices were raided for Tax evasion though it coincided with lying broadcasters documentary that questioned CM Modi’s role in the 2002 Gujarat riots that killed more than 1,000 people… which it has been proved beyond doubt in the Supreme Court that he was not at fault and had done his best as a CM who had just taken over,

BBC must investigate Churchils role as a mass murderer of Indians, akin to what Hitler did to Jews. It will be a big relevation. BBC must also ask its Protestant Majority Govt to return the 45 trillion pound loot to Hindu India along with all the Indian items kept in the world’s biggest Chor bazar the British Museum.