The Systematic Loot Of Jammu & Kashmir By The Conferences Of Ponzi...

The Systematic Loot Of Jammu & Kashmir By The Conferences Of Ponzi Parties


The Systematic Loot Of Jammu & Kashmir By The Conferences Of Ponzi Parties

The whole state of J&K was being run like a Ponzi scheme which would have collapsed someday. Removal of Article 370 has saved the people of the State from the Managers of THE SCHEME.

The frauds are just unbelievable, whichever Project or Scheme you start auditing. This has been revealed now by Shri BVR Subrahmanyam, the present Chief Secretary of the Union Territory. He says that governance was mauled so severely that forget even bad management, it was just completely smashed, as there wzs no rule, no system and no process.

The whole political system was captured by feudalism, and Kashmir had remained untouched as if still in the dark ages at a time when everything improved in the rest of the Country was progressing rapidly.

The total expenditure of Jammu & Kashmir was run on virtually central government funds and grants. ” State income was Rs 2,000 crore per month ( the revenue Rs 1,000 crore, and 1,000 crore as the share of central tax ). However, the annual budget was Rs 1 lakh crore against the actual earning of Rs24000 crore. It means the State was stealing the money of the government of India,” said the Chief Secretary.

Subrahmanyam, was appointed as the Chief Secretary of Jammu & Kashmir in place of B.B. Vyas on June 20, 2018. The officer took charge as Chief Secretary of J&K on the day when the erstwhile state was put under Governor’s rule after the three-year-old PDP-BJP coalition government collapsed on June 19, 2018.

“The rest of the country was marching ahead but this place was still run as it used to be during the time of Maharaja Hari Singh. The whole place was feudal. The political system was captured by feudalism. The spine of functioning remained feudal. No rules were being followed. No regulations were being followed,” Subrahmanyam said.

Giving the example of a scheme called ‘Rehbar-e-Khel’, the officer said 2,700 BA pass outs in sports were taken on a salary of 3,000 per month through district river committees, and after seven years they would be appointed as full-fledged physical education teachers. “These selections were done to fill 2,500 future vacant posts and the selection was to be done by the Staff Selection Board. There was no transparency.”

In 2010, the officer said the then government created a National Youth Corps (NYC) in which college youth joined for only two years and Rs 2,000 as honorarium was fixed for them. “It was intended that soon after completion of graduation no youth would come into the NYC. They would be terminated. They were supposed to do blood donation, ‘Shramdaan’ for the public. In 2015, a total of 12,500 were told that they would be given permanent jobs. In 2017, they were all re-engaged for Rs 2,000 each and they were to be regularised after 10 years.”

The officer said Jammu & Kashmir is far behind in project execution.”Five to 12 years are taken for completion of a project. One bridge in Baramulla on the Jhelum is being constructed for the past 26 years. The whole city can be bypassed if it is completed. There is also the movement of the Army from there to go to Uri and other places. This is in the heart of Baramulla. This is the status. The situation is terrible in terms of finances. Things are designed here for corruption.”

“3,500 people were appointed here under MGNREGA. Nowhere are such people appointed in MNREGA. If I tell you who the people appointed were, your head will hang in shame.” Clarifying that he was not talking on party lines, Subrahmanyam said: “I am talking like a bureaucrat who has seen the system from inside”.

Now things are being reversed and lots have happened to ensure that the State begins moving forward on the path of progress.