Time comes for Pakistan to vacate PoK

Time comes for Pakistan to vacate PoK


Time comes for Pakistan to vacate PoK

The people of PoK and Gilgit-Baltistan are witnessing an outrage against Pakistan due to violation of human rights, misuse of laws and issues like high inflation, poverty and unemployment. They are demanding re merger with India.

Time has come for Pakistan to vacate this forcibly occupied land otherwise India must start preparing to take it back by force.

The core issue already seen is that basically Pakistan is perpetrating human rights…so, in recent Paki trained terrorists have been crossing line of control and killing innocent people in Anantnag, Sopore, Uri and other adjacent areas….So people of PoK are highlighting these abuses, these violations in front of the United Nations.

Political activists from Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK) raised slogans against Islamabad to vacate Kashmir and allow them to live a peaceful life. They participated at a demonstration organised by United Kashmir People’s National Party (UKPNP) at the Broken Chair during the 54th Session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva on Monday.

UKPNP spokesperson said people in Gilgit Baltistan are on the streets protesting inflation and terrorism for many months.

He said, “United Kashmir People’s National Party has organised this protest in front of United Nations on 54th session of the UNHRC to highlight the issue we are facing in PoK and Gilgit-Baltistan. People are on the streets against the hefty charges on electricity bills, inflation, terrorism…”

The protest was also attended by Pashtuns, Sindhi, Baloch and activists from Bangladesh and they jointly condemned extremism and terrorism.

Meanwhile, UKPNP chairperson Shaukat Ali Kashmiri said, “Actually, people under occupied Pakistan have been protesting for over 6 months. Jammu and Kashmir was a historical nation which was divided forcefully by Pakistan….”

“The Pakistani occupied Kashmir…there is huge infrastructure installed by Pakistani intelligence agencies and everywhere they are freely moving around and harassing people. So, we are asking world community and United Nations to look at Pakistan exploiting over natural resources…weather is being badly affected, environment is badly affected due to Pakistan’s policies,” Kashmiri said.

Protesters were carrying banners “STOP human rights violations in PoJK and Gilgit-Baltistan” and “Pakistan must stop Human Rights Violations”.