Today Special : National Latte Day

Today Special : National Latte Day


Today Special : National Latte Day

National Latte Day is celebrated on February 11 every year across the country. The day celebrates this delicious coffee drink made of espresso and steamed milk.

Lattes are one of the most popular drinks in the country. They have been a part of American and European culture for a long time. They are traditionally served hot, but as coffee shops have evolved, cold versions of lattes began to be served.

National Latte Day celebrates the popularity and deliciousness of this versatile drink.


National Latte Day commemorates how delicious and versatile the cafe latte is.

Lattes are a type of milk coffee that originated in Italy. Lattes are made of a base of espresso topped with steamed milk. The drink is traditionally served at breakfast. Italians serve cafe lattes for breakfast with espresso brewed on a Moka pot on the stove. It is served with hot milk and no sugar.

While the cafe latte has been a part of European cuisine since the 17th century, it was only towards the 20th century that it started making appearances in coffee houses. The modern variation of the cafe latte, commonly called latte, is believed to have been invented in America. The drink was popularized in Seattle and spread widely as modern coffee shops became popular.

Today in Italy, the cafe latte is made in the same way as it has always been. Outside of Italy, in coffee shops, lattes are made with espresso, steamed milk, and milk foam. Lattes are similar to cappuccinos, which are served with a thicker layer of milk foam. Iced lattes are also popular. In an iced latte, the chilled milk is poured over espresso on ice. They can be served with blended ice and several flavoring syrups depending on the client’s preference.


  1. Grab a latte : The best day to get a latte is on National Latte Day. Go to your favorite coffee shop and grab your favorite variation of this drink.
  2. Learn how to make a latte : Lattes are delicious and easy to make. Grab your Moka pot and brew up delicious coffee the way the Italians do it!
  3. Buy your barista a latte : Baristas are on their feet all day making your delicious coffees. Why not pay it forward by buying them a latte on this day?


  1. You have to be specific in Italy : Just ordering a ‘latte’ in an Italian cafe will get you milk, since the word ‘latte’ means milk — you need to ask for a ‘cafe latte’.
  2. The flat white is a latte variation : Common in Australia and New Zealand, the flat white does not have any milk foam and is also known as a wet cappuccino.
  3. It can be served in a bowl : In some parts of Europe where lattes are served in bowls, they are called ‘cafe au lait.’
  4. Calling people latte-drinkers can be insulting : A popular political insult is to refer to people as latte-drinkers to imply that the people who drink lattes are elitist.
  5. There are tea lattes as well : In South Asia, East Asia, and North America the lattes have been reinvented — the coffee base is replaced with tea to make tea lattes.


  1. Lattes are delicious : Lattes are delicious and we love any excuse to get one. We want to use the day to justify our caffeine intake.
  2. Lattes make you happy : Research states that caffeine releases feel-good hormones such as dopamine. Drink up and feel good.
  3. We love the variety : Lattes are easy to customize with flavor syrups, temperature changes, and base changes. Lattes are the best way to choose how you want your caffeine!