Trump Will Not Dare To Utter “KASHMIR” OR “RELIGIOUS FREEDOM” During India...

Trump Will Not Dare To Utter “KASHMIR” OR “RELIGIOUS FREEDOM” During India Visit


Trump Will Not Dare To Utter “KASHMIR” OR “RELIGIOUS FREEDOM” During India Visit

US President Donald Trump is likely to raise concerns over rising trade barriers and tariffs during his India visit, which begins on Monday. This is a negotiable subject incase both sides want to trade which includes both goods and services, in an agreeable manner. In case USA is not happy with Indian tariffs then they should be aware that India too is not happy with the American tariffs and visa restrictions.

So it is most surprising for Indians to hear from a few Trump Administration Officials that the onus for the announcement of a deal was “wholly” on India. Well its Trump who is visiting India and he should have worked out a deal with his officials and offered it to India as a friendly gesture.

It will certainly not help any deal to go through if Americans pompously announce as they have foolishly done ….“Whether or not there will be an announcement on a trade package is, really, wholly dependent upon what the Indians are prepared to do,” said one of the officials, who blamed the failure of the two sides to come to an agreement on a spate of recent announcement that made “discussions bit more difficult”.

As per hints given by American officials, the US President is also expected to call for equal treatment of religious minorities and urge India and Pakistan to resolve their differences bilaterally.

In case Trump does this, then a polite but frosty response should be a hint enough that we do not take kindly to words that seem to interfere in our internal affairs.

“President Trump will talk about our shared tradition of democracy and liberty of freedom in both his public remarks and in private. He will particularly raise the religious freedom issue that’s very important for this (Trump) administration,” said the official.

So Trump does any thing foolish then India too may raise matters concerning atrocities on Blacks and Mexican migrants and racial attacks in Indians in USA.

Prospects of trade deal being announced during the president’s two-day visit have dimmed considerably despite his efforts to talk it up in public rallies and remarks. He has spoken of a “tremendous deal” that could be announced now or perhaps after the November elections, which appears more likely given the long list of US concerns that need to be addressed.

The United States has sought more access to Indian markets in dairy and poultry, removal of medical devices from price control regulation. The Trump official argued that instead of decreasing trade barriers and tariffs that have been rising and citing recent tariffs on certain imports from the United States and continued “important divergences on e-commerce and digital trade”.

India side too has equal grievances. Trades is a two way affair where Goods and Services both have to go hand in hand. So if USA wants to exports goods to India, we want to export Services through our manpower to USA.