Ukraine made to fight an increasingly desperate warby West

Ukraine is in trouble today because the EU’s aid package was blocked by Hungary, and no EU country is able to produce the munitions badly needed by Ukraine
Germany has invaded Russia twice and before that Napoleon. Actually, it’s Germany, from the Bismarck-Prussian military supremacy era to Hitler, that West Europeans feared most, not Russia.
After all It’s Germany that started two world wars and USA and Russia finished them. However this time it is the USA which has forced the conflict on Western Europe by egging on their protégé Zelenskyy to take on te Russian bear. The Yanks are determined to fight till the last Ukrainian standing !!!
But the ‘Russian bear’ overwhelms everyone’s imagination after Putin’s taking on an expanding NATO. Biden and Western Europe are conveniently forgetting that by pushing NATO more and more towards Russian borders, they kindled legitimate Russian fears about their country’s security. Every one seems to be forgetting the American madness when Kennedy was ready to fight a nuclear war after Cuba had invited the Russians to establish a missile base.
After the Russians achieved their aim to liberate the Russian speaking areas within Ukraine, the Ukrainian conflict seemed to be a stalemate until early this year. Last year, it had even degenerated into ‘trench warfare’ reminiscent of World War 1.
But, after the eastern town of Avdiivka fell in February 2024, Russian forces have gained the upper hand. The Russians have started mobilizing once again. but Russia has started only partial recruitment. Western propaganda conjured all kinds of scenarios but the patriotic Russian army, will not rebel against its country’s leadership.
When all reasoning failed Russian with NATO and Zelenskyy, President Vladimir Putin finally ordered the Russian military to liberate Russian speaking areas of Ukraine in February 2022. At that time many in the neutral part of the World expected it to be over in weeks.
Russian superiority in armour, artillery, aircraft and manpower was so big it was hard to see how Ukraine could stop all those tanks rolling over the country’s eastern steppes and advancing into the country, encircling and destroying outnumbered Ukrainian forces.
However Russia stopped after realizing their aim, firstly because they have no wish to destroy Ukraine who after all are blood brothers and secondly President Putin had to conserve his strength for the NATO madness, in case it ever took place.
The Ukrainians and their soldiers are totally exhausted after endless fighting. The average age of a Ukrainian soldier was 27 when the war started, now it’s in the forties. But, their biggest worry is running out of the much promised ammunitions, and what they get from their EU Cheer leaders is hardly enough. They know that time is running out for them. If Donald Trump wins the US presidency in November, Ukraine is as good as finished. US President Joe Biden, wants zelensky to keep fighting by re supplying Ukraine, but his aid package remains blocked by Republican-dominated Congress.
The Great Brexit Britain, who have been worrying about fighting Russia since last few hundred years now lack resources to even browbeat the Houthis, With hardly a few Infantry brigades and a rag tag armoured formation, it is in no position to take on the Russian Army. Meanwhile it dreams of sailing as part of AUKUS in the Indo Pacific where its two air craft carriers are hardly going to awe the Chinese.
There is a war in Ukraine? Western Europe wanted the rest of the World to treat it as their war too. Africans are not interested, rather they have to bear food and other shortages because of this NATO obsitnance and stupid sanctions in Russia. India has just laughed out the USA and West European sanctions and stoid by its friend Russia. Middle East is involved in its own problems, most of them created by te West itself. So the war seems to have been forgotten by everyone–except by Ukraine, Russia and their respective allies.
Before looking at the military situation, let’s assess the political implications. There is a fierce Western propaganda war going on with Ukraine claiming victory, but India and many other major powers are making their own neutral assessment of this war, militarily and politically.
On the Western side, Ukraine has no shortage of social media supporters. But, one distinct voice emerges out of this cacophony: Prof. John Mearsheimer, Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, a respected authority on geopolitics and author of several books, has been an outspoken critic of American foreign policy and is very clear on this issue.
According to him, as things stand now, Ukraine has practically lost this war, with disastrous implications for itself, the US and its NATO allies;. He urges Kyiv to negotiate an immediate peace with Moscow, without waiting for the inevitable and signing a peace treaty on Russian terms.
Biden and his cronies forced Russia’s hand by bringing NATO to Russia’s doorsteps, in the mistaken belief that Russian ultimate goal is control over all of Europe, and they won’t stop with taking Crimea alone.
But, there is little evidence to support this view. Many believe that Russians dream of putting Russia once again where the ex-USSR was before its dismantlement. No one knows what Russians really think, but watching NATO coming closer to Russia’s vulnerable land borders would have worried any Russian leader. When NATO considered making the Ukraine a member in 2018, that would have convinced Russia to act before NATO did.
Both Finland and Sweden have started re-arming, expecting war with Russia. Sweden is set to become a NATO member and Finland will follow. Will Russia attack Finland before it joins NATO? But Finland, though small, is militarily capable and geographically hard to invade, and Russians will remember Stalin’s disastrous 1938 war with Ukraine, in which Soviet Russia’s poor military strategy and performance convinced Hitler that ‘Russia is a rotten door and one kick will bring it down,’ leading to his disastrous invasion of Russia in June 1941.
Comparisons are made between Hitler and Putin. But Hitler was a military adventurer and overestimated himself and his country’s resources for a long drawn out war. Putin’s is a sane and respectable leader for the non Western World.
Germany has only just started rearming. France has a strong military, but can expect little support from its smaller northern neighbours except Sweden. Ukraine is in trouble today because the EU’s aid package was blocked by Hungary (one vote is enough to nullify any common EU decision), and no EU country is able to produce the munitions (from grenades to artillery shells) badly needed by Ukraine in sufficient quantities.
Russia, on the other hand, has no such problem. But then, there is the chilling factor of nuclear war to be considered.
Historically, Russia has never invaded the West. It annexed Manchuria now made part of China, and sold Alaska to the US and was quite happy. The Soviet army reached Berlin in 1945 only as a logical answer to Hitler’s invasion of Russia.
Russia is very sensitive about its borders. It should be, because it has been invaded by Vikings, Mongols, Tartars, the Huns, the Swedes under king Gustavus Adolphus, the French (Napoleon), and combined West European forces after the Russian Revolution.