UPSC Works On Improving IAS Aspirants in interview Round

UPSC Works On Improving IAS Aspirants in interview Round


UPSC Works On Improving IAS Aspirants’ Soft Skill Evaluation In Civil Services Exam’s Interview Round

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), will stress on the soft skills of the candidates in the interview round as per its Chairperson Arvind Saxena. It is thus looking for ways to improve its evaluation process for the same.

This was announced in a speech [PDF] delivered by Saxena during the twenty-first National Conference of State Public Commissions in Odisha, a transcript of which has now been made available on UPSC’s official site.

As per the speech, the commission is reviewing the interview process to check how to improve its evaluation of candidate’s soft skills during the civil services interview rounds for an examination which is essentially scholastic in nature.

These soft skills include integrity, emotional stability, leadership qualities, aptitude for public service and more.

Saxena added that in order to improve its evaluation method, UPSC in interacting with public service commissions of other nations like that of the UK, Canada, France, Singapore and Malaysia.

During the process the commission would attempt to learn various approaches adopted by the other nations in order to select suitable candidates for themselves.

Other reported changes in future UPSC exams could be a switch to online examinations and Central jobs for the candidates who reach the last stage but are unable to clear the interview round.