Video : Why Cashew Nuts Are So Expensive?

Video : Why Cashew Nuts Are So Expensive?


Video : Why Cashew Nuts Are So Expensive?

Source : Business Insider

Cashews are one of the most delicious nuts around the world, but did you know that these are also one of the most expensive ones? No wonder gorging on roasted, salted or plain cashews is pure bliss, but what makes this rich, crunchy, silky nut so expensive?

While the inclination towards veganism has led to an increase in the demand of nuts and nut butters, however, it is surprising to see how peanuts and cashews have a similar creamy texture, but the price of cashews are almost five times the price of peanuts. Here’s all you need to know about your favourite Kaju (cashews) and what makes it so expensive?

Cashews are loved for their taste and texture, but the process of extraction is so difficult and dangerous that it can be hazardous, if touched with bare hands. Cashews are usually grown in tropical regions of India, Vietnam, Ivory coast and Srilanka.

Cashew seeds are surrounded by a shell that contains toxic oils known as Anacardic acid. The pepper-like looking shells are extracted manually, which makes the extraction process even more difficult. Anacardic acid is usually found in poison ivy.