Yogic Medical Solution : WheatGrass Powder – Supper Food for a New...

Yogic Medical Solution : WheatGrass Powder – Supper Food for a New Millennium


WheatGrass Powder- Supper Food for a New Millennium

Wheatgrass is the raw grass of common wheat plant (Triticum Aestivum) which is consumed by either juicing or drying it into powder form. Wheat Grass is nature’s most effective gift to mankind.

It contains all 103 elements known to man along with a complete spectrum of essential vitamins (A, B1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 12, C, E & K) minerals (Iron, Calcium, Potassium, Sodium, Zinc, Magnesium, Selenium, Phosphorus, Iodine), amino acids (19 including all 9 Essential Amino Acids), exogenous enzymes (Superoxide Dismutase, Protease, Cytochrome, Amylase, Lipase, Transhydrogenase) and most importantly, chlorophyll and Laetrile (Vitamin B17 – which has a marked anti-cancer effect).

Wheat grass has 70 percent crude chlorophyll and 30 percent enzymes and has been extensively tested for its extraordinary healing powers.

That’s why it is commonly called – Green Blood. This ‘green blood’ of the plant draws its energy from the light of the sun and has the ability to infuse our bloodstream with healing and regeneration. The young wheat plant contains substances that can actually encourage cells to grow younger instead of older as the years go by.

Wheatgrass has been used since centuries because it is helpful in preventing and fighting against diseases like:
Cancer, Diabetes, Heart problems, Swine Flu, Arthritis, Blood pressure, Kidney disorder, High cholesterol, Liver problem, Obesity, Acidity, Indigestion, Thalassemia (blood disorder), Thyroid, Menstrual problems, increase Fertility hormones, Respiratory problems, Migraine, Brain & Memory issues, Acne & Pimples, Eczema, Psoriasis, Wrinkles, Bones problem and Hair problem to name a few…

We offer Wheatgrass powder – Super food for a new millennium:

Normal Wheatgrass Powder: (30 sachet monthly pack) – Rs. 220

Wheatgrass Powder with Jaljeera: (30 sachet monthly pack) – Rs. 250

Wheatgrass Powder – 1 sachet = 1.5 kgs of Vegetable Nutrition

Directions for Use: Consume 1 sachet daily, preferably on an empty stomach. New users should begin at night before going to bed for 7 days. For chronic problems, up to 2-3 sachet may be consumed per day.

Caution: Some individuals may experience nausea or irregular bowel movements during the first few days of use. This is only a result of the detoxification of the body and will subside in a few days.

Wheat grass health supplement is now available at Dr. Rita Khanna’s Yogashaastra studio.

An ounce a day can definitely keep the doctor away!!!