Wretched Pakistani Politician Says : Taliban Will Help Pakistan Conquer Kashmir

Wretched Pakistani Politician Says : Taliban Will Help Pakistan Conquer Kashmir


Wretched Pakistani Politician Says : Taliban Will Help Pakistan Conquer Kashmir

With such wretched politicians and their shameless political thinking, leaders of Pakistan will ensure that Pakistan always remains a failed State. A leader of Pakistan ruling Party has admitted its own close ties with Taliban.

Neelam Irshad Sheikh, is a senior leader of the ruling party of Pakistan, the Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI). PM Imran Khan’s is the leader of this political party. Irshad Begum has predicted that the Taliban will win Kashmir and hand it over to Pakistan. This lady has forgotten the might of the Indian Army which in 1971 had helped in liberation of Bangladesh by slicing his country into two. Today Bangladesh is a rising economic Star on the World Stage, whereas because of Talibanized mind set, PM of Pakistan moves around with a begging BOWL.

Laying emphasis on its anti-India agenda, this leader of the ruling Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government has talked about taking help of the Taliban in Kashmir during an on-air television show. During the show, Neelam Irshad openly admitted Pakistan military’s intimate ties with the Taliban and its anti-India objective.

“The Taliban are saying that they are with us and they will help us in Kashmir,” Sheikh said during the show. This alarmed even the Show Host and she exclaimed “Do you realise what you’ve said, Madam? You are completely unaware of what you have said. For God’s sake ma’am, this show will be broadcast all over the world. In India, this will be seen.

The Afghan government had Already accused Pakistan and its intelligence arm of aiding and abetting the Taliban. Pakistan has deep ties with the Taliban and has been accused of supporting the Islamist group as it battled the U.S.-backed government in Kabul – charges denied by Islamabad. When the Taliban captured Kabul last week, Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan said Afghans had broken the “shackles of slavery”.

Pakistan, along with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), was one of only three countries to recognise the Taliban when they were in control in Afghanistan (from 1996 until 2001). However till now neither Saudi nor UAE has come out in support of Taliban.

India knows how to defend itself and will hunt down each and every Taliban entering India. However a gloating Pakistan seems to be unaware of the danger its Society faces from Talibanization..