Yogic Medical Solution : Serial No 19

Yogic Medical Solution : Serial No 19


By: Dr. Rita Khanna

Yoga for Sinisitus


Sinuses are the air chambers in the bone behind your cheeks, eyebrows and jaw. They make mucus, a fluid that cleans bacteria and other particles out of the air you breathe. Tiny hairs called cilia (say: “sill-ee-ah”) sweep mucus out of your sinuses so it can drain out through your nose.


Sinusitis is a condition in which the lining of your sinuses becomes inflamed. Its main causes are changes in temperature or air pressure, allergies, use of excessive decongestant nasal sprays, smoking, swimming or diving. Growths called polyps also block sinus passages. When sinusitis is caused by a bacterial or viral infection, you get a sinus infection. Its symptoms are pain or pressure in the forehead, cheeks, nose, between the eyes, headache, fever, nasal congestion, reduced sense of smell and aching teeth.


The immune system keeps us healthy and protects us against all sorts of viruses, bacteria, microbes, parasites and toxins. The best way to prevent allergic reactions is having healthy immune system. To strengthen and balancing the immune system against sinus, practicing yoga postures in a relaxing way with slow deep breathing and the intention to let go and relax the nervous system can be very beneficial. Through relaxation, the nervous system can tell the immune system to settle down and stop attacking the foreign bodies, which are naturally cleared out in a non-allergic person by sneezing once or twice a day. When the immune system backs off, inflammation and mucus decrease and symptoms diminish.


Asanas, Pranayama, Meditation, Yogic Kriyas & Proper diet play a vital role in curing the problem.


Surya namaskar, Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana, Matsyasana, Simhasana, Shavasana


Omkar, Bhrahmari, Suryabhedi, Ujjayi, Kapalbhati, Bhastrika, Anulome- vilome


Jal neti, Kunjal kriya

I would recommend that you should learn the Kriyas only under the guidance of a Yoga Instructor.

Diet should be light, nutritious & well- balanced. Take plenty of enzyme rich foods (papaya, tomato, carrots, and spinach), fiber, and roughage (whole wheat flour, lots of vegetables, soups, fruit juices, fruits etc.), Avoid heavy meals, excessive worry, anger, tension, jealousy and hurrying, fried, fatty, spices, starchy & sugar containing food, smoking, alcohol, cocoa, white flour, tinned fruit, refined cereals, tea coffee , milk products and fruits such as banana.

Drink tons of lukewarm water.
A glass of hot Tulsi water with honey and ginger is very soothing to the allergies.
Apply moist heat by holding a warm wet towel against your face or breathing in steam through a cloth or towel. This will relieve sinus pressure & help open your sinus passages.
Rinse your sinus passages with a saline solution. Learn Neti.
Expose the body to sunlight and fresh air breathing deeply every day.
Avoid dusty places, exposure to cold, food to which you are sensitive, mental worries and tensions.
Have sound sleep of 7 to 8 hours daily. It can make your sinuses feel more stopped-up, so try lying on the side that lets you breathe the best.



Simhasna means Lion pose. In this position we roar like a lion. It strengthens the lungs, throat & voice. It stimulates the tonsils, immune system & helps to reduce stress & anger.

To start with, sit in Vajrasana. Place both your hands on the respective knees. Eyes closed. Breathe normally. Now do these steps. Take a deep breath and retain it for few seconds. Exhale forcefully with a roaring sound aaaaaaahhhh like a lion and simultaneously take your tongue out as much as you can, stretch your fingers as wide as you can, open your eyes as wide as you can, focus your mind at the space between the eyebrows or tip of the nose. This is one round. Repeat this 4-5 times. Massage your throat after finishing Simhasana. Those who cannot do Sarvangasana and Halasana they can do Simhasana

There is no scientific training necessary for practice of Omkar. Inhale deeply through the nose, then open the mouth and chant Omkar loudly. Performing Omkar will help keep the sinuses healthy & increase the vital capacity of the body. Circulation of blood increases thereby increasing the capacity of lungs. Do for 5 minutes. One can do this pranayama any time, either in the morning, noon afternoon, or at night, whenever the belly is not full.