The Self Serving Western Media Displays Its Antagonism towards india on CAA...

The Self Serving Western Media Displays Its Antagonism towards india on CAA AND ARTICLE 370


The Self Serving Western Media Displays Its Antagonism towards india on CAA AND ARTICLE 370

Trump has virtually committed murder by authorizing the killing of an Iranian Military leader in Baghdad but the self serving Western Media has praised the act. Whereas the Government of India’s recent enacted Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) which provides a pathway to citizenship for non-Muslim refugees from Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Afghanistan has caused the Western Media , especially the American Media immense heartburns.

This Act will provide safety to the refugees who have fled to India and sought refuge after witnessing the mass rape, murder and other forms of ethnic cleansing during their stay in these Islamic countries. Most of them are Hindus and we in India will surely provide them with every thing needed including citizenship.

The violence against Hindus and other minorities has been confirmed by demographic data as well as well-documented evidence of specific acts of violence and intimidation faced by these refugees in their native countries.

Given this, one would have expected the American media, with claims to be the Self Styled Human Rights champions, to congratulate the Indian government for its benevolent action and to admonish the governments of Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan for failing to ensure the safety and well-being of their non-Muslim citizens.

It is no surprise that the American self serving media did just the opposite. They heavily condemned the Indian government’s benevolent act and buried the culpability of the governments of the neighbouring states in the ethnic cleansing of their non-Muslim citizens.

This reaction of American Media’s criticism of the CAA is strictly motivated by the functioning of with the current Indian government. Many major western media outlets have directed scorn and criticism at the current Government of India since it first came to power in 2014 because now the Indian Government has started defending India’s interest and has started looking at the World with New Delhi as the Centre.

The opinion/editorials and reports about India in these media outlets often employ pejorative headlines or phrases, make exaggerated generalisations, omit material facts, or make references to irrelevant or peripheral issues to demean the government and those who support it.

The coverage of the revocation of the special status of the former Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) clearly illustrates this. The Los Angeles Times (LA Times) referred to the revocation of the special status of J&K as ‘illiberal and undemocratic’, even though the legislation was passed with a two-thirds majority in both houses of the Indian parliament. Though these Champions of Human Rights never talked about the ethnic cleansing of Hindus from Kashmir. How can they ? They are the experts who supported the ethnic cleansing of Red Indians from North America , hanging the President of Iraq , mass aerial bombings and drone strikes in Afghanistan , Iraq and Syria.

Most of the American media organisations evaluate all geopolitical events based on a fixed categorisation of victims and victimisers. Hindus, whether they live in India or overseas, are viewed as far-right nationalists, non-pluralistic, anti-Muslim, etc, whereas Muslims are viewed as victims, oppressed, fearful, etc. Similarly, India is generally viewed as the aggressor or oppressor and Pakistan and Bangladesh are, in general, viewed as the oppressed or victims. Then why does the American Government react in most brutal manner to actions of countries in the Middle East if it goes against American interests ?

This can be readily discerned by reviewing the coverage in the NY Times of the February 2019 terrorist attack on an military base in Srinagar valley and of its aftermath. The phrases used in the articles covering this geopolitical event portray India as the aggressor and victimiser and portray Pakistan as a victim and as a country that showed restraint and maturity.

Similarly, in the coverage of the CAA, there is little or no mention of the ethnic cleansing of Hindus from Bangladesh, whose Hindu population had dropped from 22 per cent in 1951 to 8 per cent in 2011. Lastly, an indirectly related but pertinent example of this mindset is the Washington Post’s reference to the terrorist leader of ISIS, a terrorist who orchestrated and guided brutal and inhumane torture and executions of non-Muslims, as an ‘austere religious scholar’.

We need to treat the American Media with disdain it deserves. The leaders of these media organisations should be encouraged to undergo further education in International History , Geography and Current Affairs as they display total ignorance.

The fact that the current government of India was recently reelected for a second term with an even bigger mandate than in its first term seems to be irrelevant to them. They should know that we are a far bigger democracy than they are and were a bigger economy less than 200 years ago than what they are today. They should have no doubt that we are catching up and like China will soon surge ahead. They must not and cannot dictate to India.

With respect to the CAA, India, is the country from which the Indic religions such as, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism originated, has an obligation and right to give preference to adherents of these faiths who have been ethnically cleansed from the neighbouring Islamic countries. India also granted citizenship rights to persecuted Christian refugees, as they, unlike persecuted Muslims, do not have the option of seeking refuge in the neighbouring Islamic countries.

Thus the American media’s condemnation of the Indian government’s act of benevolence and non-admonition of the governments Pakistan and Afghanistan for not ensuring the safety and well-being of their non-Muslim citizens is unjustifiable. Therefore all Indians should display total disdain for such type of media coverage and counter it in all ways possible.