Instant Mudra Loan : SBI can apply for Mudra loan sitting at...

Instant Mudra Loan : SBI can apply for Mudra loan sitting at home, will get loan in 59 minutes


Instant Mudra Loan : SBI can apply for Mudra loan sitting at home, will get loan in 59 minutes

The state bank of India is also known as SBI, which is also known as SBI. Corona is providing loans ranging from 10 thousand to 10 lakh rupees in 59 minutes for small businesses in crisis. SBI is giving this loan to the businessmen under the Prime Minister Mudra Loan Scheme run by the Central Government. The main objective of running this scheme is that in this difficult situation of small businessmen, the economic troubles can be eradicated to some extent and their business can be carried forward.

Therefore, through the Twitter handle, SBI told that now you can easily get Mudra loan sitting at home. For this, you have to give some information, after which you will be able to get a loan of 10 thousand to 10 lakh rupees in 59 minutes. According to the SBI website, its interest rate starts at 8.5 percent.

What is PM-Mudra Yojana?

The word Mudra is derived from the Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency (MUDRA). Under this scheme, any person can easily take a loan. Through this, you can easily take a loan of up to 10 lakhs. There is no need for any guarantee in this scheme. It will also benefit small street vendors, small shopkeepers who want to increase their business.

Documents required for the application of PM-Mudra Yojana

To get a loan under Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana, you have to provide these necessary documents –
Identity card – PAN card Aadhar card driving license Voter ID card or passport will have to be given.

To get loan – voters can give ID card, Aadhaar card, passport and electricity bill.

The person who avails the Prime Minister’s Mudra Loan, wants to open any business. License registration certificate or other documents related to that will also have to be given.

Under the Pradhan Mantri Mudra Bank Scheme, the applicant will also have to give details of sales and profit losses during the financial year. If a person is partnering with any company or any business, then he will also have to give that copy.

The applicant will also have to provide two photographs of himself while applying, if he is partnering with someone else, then he will also have to provide two photographs of him simultaneously.

Through these documents, you can apply for Mudra loan by visiting SBI website