PFI was for establishing Islamic Rule in India

PFI was for establishing Islamic Rule in India


PFI was for establishing Islamic Rule in India

NIA has virtually squeezing PFI’s funding activities and charged 105 people so far, further tightening noose around the banned outfit accused of criminal conspiracy to overthrow the government by violent means

PFI, had emerged in the aftermath of the ban on the Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI). It was formed by most of the former leaders of SIMI, including E Abubacker, the founding chairman of PFI. Abubacker was SIMI’s former State President for Kerala. Several active members of PFI had even joined the proscribed terrorist organisation, Islamic State (IS).

The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has charged 19 persons linked to banned PFI, including 12 National Executive Council (NEC) members, founding members and senior leaders, in its fifth chargesheet in the case. With the filing of the latest chargesheet, the total number of accused charged by the National Investigation Agency in PFI cases (Rajasthan, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Telangana and Delhi) stands at 105.

The national executive committee (NEC), was the top decision-making body in the organizational hierarchy of PFI. They had a well-planned strategy to wage a large-scale war against the Indian government by recruiting and providing weapons training to radicalised Muslim men who pledged their allegiance to the outfit by administration of Oath of secrecy and loyalty. These men were trained to use deadly weapons in various training camps to raise an army of radicalised and fundamentalist militia.

The PFI, to achieve its declared objectives of freedom, justice and security of the Muslim community and the marginalized sections of the society, used to undertake various social welfare schemes. But it was nothing but a facade to mask its nefarious and violent terrorist activities to gain support of masses and portray itself as a saviour of the Muslims and portray the entire government machinery as anti-Muslim. Even Christians and liberal Muslims were at the target of PFI to achieve its real objective of overthrowing the democratically elected government.

The radical Islamists had planned to unveil a new Constitution based on Shariah law with the help of external forces and organise physical training under the guise of Yoga classes. They had begun to acquire land in Muslim-dominated areas for training and stock-piling of weapons and explosives.

To achieve its declared objectives, the PFI began to camouflage its terror training activities by talking about freedom, justice and security of the Muslim community and the marginalized sections of the society. They began undertaking various social welfare schemes as a facade to mask its nefarious and violent terrorist activities to gain support of masses and portray itself as a saviour of the Muslims and portray the entire government machinery as anti-Muslim. Even Christians and liberal Muslims were at the target of PFI to achieve its real objective of overthrowing the democratically elected government.

The NIA has finally fully exposed the nefarious designs of banned Popular Front of India (PFI) and its sinister motive to establish Caliphate in India by 2047 through four stages, including weapons training to cadres and infiltrating police and judiciary. The investigation has revealed that it espoused an Islamic Caliphate by working under the pretext of national integration, communal harmony, and welfare of minorities and weaker sections.

PFI had weaponized social media to create conducive conditions for radicalising Muslim youth and regularly posted contents targeting various organs of the State, including judiciary, with a purpose to alienate and arouse the Muslim sentiments against the State, followers of non-Islamic religions. Their social media team was continuously monitoring various Hindu organisations and its affiliates.

How deep was their planning became clear when In one of raids conducted by the NIA, more than 450 digital devices and 570 documents were seized and sent for forensic analysis. On the scrutiny of the data from forensic analysis, the agency found that PFI cadres were maintaining a database of detailed information about the leaders of certain organisations who opposed its ideology.

The seized content included provocative photos, videos, and pamphlets about sensitive issues like Babri Masjid demolition, Gyanvapi Mosque matter and the term ‘Shaheed’ (Martyr) was used for Babri Masjid. In the case of CAA/NRC, the PFI successfully managed to misguide the minority community with regard to the contents of the proposed CAA/NRC. The PFI, which was instrumental in organizing and funding the protests against CAA/NRC, successfully managed to misguide the minority community with regard to the contents of the proposed law.